The Posts and what’s in them3 min read

So long America it’s been O.K. to know yuh
Climbing the down escalator
Who are we really? (what makes us us?) – a shallow dive into the metaphysics of self
Goodbye to all that -a glass half-empty piece
Was democracy just a passing phase? 
What the Tories did for (sorry to) us!
Any lie will do’ or ‘Then came AI.’
Musing on age and mortality
Dishwashers and Gods

I’ll settle for WOKE

Connections (Part 1): Origin of the Species 
Connections (Part 2): Ships that Crash in the Night 
Connections (Part 3): As for Doing Something about It………
Connections (Part 4): Choices  
Connections (Part 5): A Kind of Coming together
Connections (Part 6): Laying Ghosts
Connections (Part 1): Origin of the Species,  Podcast
Connections (Part 2): Ships that Crash in the Night, Podcast
Connections (Part 3): As for Doing Something about It………Podcast

Marching to the sound of a different drum –  Podcast
Love at First Sight Versus Science

Something Happened!
Lost at Sea: Earnest’s Story

A tin of milk part 1: Life after Life? In the beginning
A tin of milk part 2: Cashing in Your Chips
A tin of milk part 3: Life begins again at 40

A tin of milk part 4: A second second coming and a flying pig!
A tin of milk part 5: If You’ve got to go, you’ve got to go!
A tin of milk part 6: Family Matters……and always will

The Precautionary Principle – great theory, lousy practice
You won’t find Springsteen’s home town in a Christmas Movie
State schools aren’t the problem, it’s the other lot

Time to speak truth to power
‘Jim Saves the Day’: teaching in the good old days
Little by little by little or When it’s gone it’s gone.

Safe at Home
Marching to the sound of a different drum
New leader of the free world denies telling the truth then claims it was slip of the tongue if it did happen
A letter to my Mother
An American Dream
Us and Them – a post-Brexit look at bigotry
Another fine mess!: two charities and the legacy of colonialism
One size fits all…when it’s a straightjacket: what’s wrong with schools today?  pity our kids!
Brexit and that ‘vision thing’: why we should have remained

Bitter Lake – the BBC as a subversive organisation: how the west won (and lost) the rest
Left-wing loonies every one: the right-wing media and UK government’s response to a humanitarian crisis
Learning from history: women in the war and responses to refugees then and now
How big is your community: how not to respond to a refugee crisis
Sapiens: a brief history of humankind: politics and posturing
Planet, what planet: elections and lies

What a Piece of Work is Man – : heavy irony, individual and corporate greed and consequences
What if the Hokie Kokie is what it’s all about?: religion, just wars, conformity and politics
So who are the English?: from deepest Iberia we came
Set to Fail: how not to organise for learning and why we love to stratify and segregate
What’s the worst thing a student ever said to you?: we underestimate our impact on learners at their cost
From ‘We can take it!’ to ‘We’re all in it together!’: from Churchill to Osborne
Do you remember ‘It’s deja vu all over again’?: education and the market!
Back to the past (perfect of course!): reminiscence of those awful past times


Martin Kerrison