Was democracy just a passing phase?

Prabowo’s win is dismal news for democracy
Half the country’s electorate is under 40; many voters do not remember his past or the days of military dictatorship under his father-in-law, Gen Suharto. Those who do predict that “winter is coming


Putin critic Alexei Navalny, 47, dies in Arctic Circle jail


The list is growing of ‘elected’ leaders whose mission is to stay in power and make sure any rivals are either banged up or side-lined…or worse.

This is an interesting year for democracies. More than two billion people across 60 countries representing half the world’s population will go the polls this year voting in presidential, legislative, and local elections. Some will be free and fair and some, like North Korea, a tad less so. Quite where the US is on the ‘free and fair-sown up like a kipper’ continuum is a tricky question but if the orange-faced candidate wins we all know the direction of travel. It may anyway be that genuine democracy in the US is not really threatened by Trump because it was subverted a good while ago. American politicians appear now often to be the best that money can buy. Generally they have to have, by UK standards, huge amounts of financial backing to get elected (fortunately and I’m sure co-incidentally, those same politicians have enacted quite loose legislation on political funding) and then, once elected, show themselves to be quite partial in which of ‘the people’ they really represent. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that the notion of toppling an elected government is now being applied within the US as well as outside it.

Can it really be that democracy has had its day? that it wasn’t after all a major step on the road to freedom, just an experimental alternative to the ‘strong’ leadership we all secretly want, or at least will take a punt on when the going gets tough.

The ideal of democracy has a genuine appeal and had an even stronger one when memories of the alternatives were still fresh. Government ‘by the people for the people’ for a fledgling US compared well with ever-increasing taxes imposed from the other side of the world. And, on the other side of the world, a peasant class (liberated by plague-deaths and consequent labour shortages) proved itself unwilling to return to serfdom and began the long treck towards universal suffrage. It took a long time for the UK to build the rather quaint version of democracy we have now. Influence over, often despotic not to say mad, kings (and a very occasional queen) was limited to an aristocratic elite and then only secured via threatened or actual revolt and rebellion. Magna Carta gave the barons a degree of influence and over many, many years the influence of parliament grew as a counter-balance to absolute rule. Suffrage was limited to a pretty small proportion of the population for most of our history. It was extended over time, notably in 1832 with the Great Reform Act, which basically gave the vote to middle class men, leaving working class men (not to mention all women…and they didn’t) disappointed. Universal suffrage (surely one of the defining characteristics of a full democracy) was still years away. Two world wars accelerated progress in the UK and its imperial possessions. It brought the classes together and was particularly effective at showing the working-class cannon fodder that their ‘betters’ weren’t actually any better. Ironically, the Second World War was probably the high point of progress towards democratic government, at least in the west. In fact, part of the reason it took so long to get the US into the war was that it was a democracy and the strong inclination of many Americans was towards isolationism; Europe had been bailed out twenty-five years earlier and not many Yanks felt it was worth more Americans dying to save Europe again. Had it not been for  Pearl Harbour the world might look quite different now. WW2 brought together and united peoples from pretty well everywhere.

“Walk down any of its (London’s) streets and every uniform of the Free World was to be seen…..The uniforms of the Canadians, South Africans, Australians, New Zealanders, the Free French, Polish, Belgium, Holland, and of course the English and Americans were everywhere.”

Band of Brothers pp 49, Ambrose, Stephen E, Simon and Schuster, 2017

No mention of the Indians, Africans and Asians but then this was the perception of an elite, white airborne company. The point remains that World War 2 was (and is) perceived as a just war in the cause of freedom and against tyranny. It was seen as a victory for freedom-loving peoples of the world, again at least by the West. Unfortunately, the post-war world saw two at least of the freedom-loving nations, the US and the UK, engineer the removal or death of democratically elected leaders in Africa, Asia, South America – anywhere in fact where the people’s (left-wing) choices were felt to be incompatible with the interests of….. ehhhm,… the US and the UK.

It would be a mistake too to think that democratically elected politicians always believe in democracy. Quite a few seem to believe in staying in power for as long as possible by subverting democratic safeguards and processes. There is a common playbook of strategies and tactics used by national leaders to weaken opposition and strengthen their own position.

  • Lie; no I mean really lie, whatever the evidence. If you lose an election claim you didn’t. Claim, if you did lose that it was because of fraud and criminal actions by your opponents. Claim you’re a victim. Claim there’s a deep state plot to steal power.
  • Attack and neuter any serious political opposition; jail them, drive them out, mobilise trolls or, if push comes to shove, just kill them. Examples that spring to mind include Pakistan and, of course, Russia. These days it’s quite dangerous to lose an election because the winner will come after you!
  • Supress voter rights for those groups unlikely to vote for you.
  • Attack and emasculate any and all independent press journals and web-sites and tightly control state media.
  • Sow division – religion is always fruitful ground or ethnicity/race.
  • Attack the judiciary and ensure that they will always act in accordance with your wishes (or else). Make judicial appointments with this in mind.
  • Suppress protest. Make most forms of protest illegal and increase penalties.
  • Attack and suppress other forms of collective action such as trade unions. Legislate to control and outlaw them.
  • Control social media and the internet; shut it down when ‘appropriate’.
  • If all else fails manufacture an external threat: a war always helps.

Here are some notable examples of ‘strong’ leaders who have the T-shirt:

It may seem odd to have the likes of Putin for example in a piece about democracy but they do have elections in Russia – not free and fair elections of course but then again it’s getting quite hard to find a country where the direction of travel is towards free-er and fairer. Is it fair to have parties with vastly different funding bases? Is it fair to redraw constituencies so that one party benefits? Is it fair to restrict the franchise?

Orban, Trump, Putin, Netanyahu, Modi, Erdogan. ……it’s far from a complete list; countries like Poland, Brazil, Pakistan, and, oh yes, the UK, have seen or are seeing elements of the right wing song-book played out. And in Poland, Donald Tusk is finding life difficult as he tries to reassert democratic safeguards following his 2023 election victory because media, judiciary and presidency were all politicised by his predecessor.

So is democracy finished? Well, to be parochial for a moment, the UK persists in a first past the post, winner-take-all electoral process which pretty well ignores the wishes of as many voters as it heeds. Proportional representation would be a quick and easy fix …so it probably won’t happen. The theory is that parliament, the judiciary and the free press interconnect as a finely balanced system of checks and balances.

Except that, on the whole, our media is owned by wealthy individuals with political affiliations which lean a tad to the right – well perhaps more than a tad – free in the sense of not owned by the state but, with a few exceptions, politically biased. Here’s an example of the UK’s fearless defenders of press freedom.

Courtesy of Facebook

As for the BBC, it seems to have become increasingly susceptible to government influence in the last few years as a combination of threats, funding cuts and government appointed/sanctioned placemen (and women) have made themselves felt. Have a look at what George Monbiot wrote about BBC ‘impartiality’ under its previous Chair, a Conservative Party donor and mate of Boris Johnson.

We should never underestimate the extent to which the BBC changed this country by giving endless airtime to Nigel Farage, other far right extremists and the Tufton Street junktanks, while shutting out progressive voices.


More about Tufton Street later. On the up-side, the BBC seems at the moment to be breaking free of the intimidating straightjacket of government threats and cuts, presumably because the graffiti is on the wall for our benighted Rishi and his friends (friends in the Tory Party not being what you and I think of as friends). As for the judiciary, well they are independent (the idea of their being political appointees as in the US just wouldn’t run in the UK), but they are generally from well-to-do backgrounds and they are being ‘pressured’ to stop ‘interfering’ in matters that don’t concern them, such as illegal or questionable government practice. So, in the UK, a degree of media bias just goes with the territory. If you factor in the relatively recent launch of GB news, the UK equivalent of Fox News, it’s almost job done.

So the media are sorted; what else might make a difference to the health of the UK’s democracy….mother of parliaments and all that stuff? Well:

  • in response to almost non-existent voter fraud, photo-ID has been made a requirement in elections, making it less likely that the young and the poor will vote;
  • the judiciary are being pressured and laws changed to ensure policies claimed to be ‘the will of the people’ (honestly what does that remind you of?) can be implemented without legal challenge;
  • the right to protest has been limited;
  • new legislation has been enacted to curb trade-union led strikes in areas like health and transport.

Small steps but then Rome wasn’t trashed in a day.

I wanted to write something positive about what we’ve imported over the years from the US but I can’t think of anything. A country with terrible environmental protections, in thrall to business and extreme wealth and where the people or the system insist on the election of a president who then fails to govern because one or other House blocks progress, is not one to imitate. I’m not even sure what the popular vote means in the US given this weird thing called an electoral college which seems to be able to overturn the will of the majority. That said, over the years Conservative governments have adopted the worst of the US’s education and other policies (think SATs, academies, free schools, workfare, elected mayors, elected Police and Crime Commissioners, privatisation or full jails) and not surprisingly, the UK now seems to be an attractive place for obscenely wealthy right-wing Americans to try and subvert, said wealth, having already subverted many democratic safeguards and the real will of the people in the US. For example, Roe v Wade was overturned by conservative Supreme Court judges hand-picked by the orange ogre after years of remorseless and expensive ‘pro-life’ campaigning. Wikipedia lists 96 anti-abortion organisations in the US . Here are a few from the list and don’t they all sound all-American, patriotic and wholesome?:

Those hand-picked Supreme Court judges of course promised, prior to appointment, that Roe v Wade would never be overturned. Moral? Always check if prospective Supreme Court judges have their fingers crossed behind their backs when in front of Senate Confirmation hearings. Overturning Roe v Wade was not really the will of the people just the will of neo-conservative, wealthy (often religious to the point of idiocy), individuals. While the battle was being won in the States a second front was opened in the UK and I expect in most other ‘developed’ countries around the world. Abortion clinics were picketed, misleading media campaigns were mounted, pro-life ‘impartial’ pregnancy advice organisations that were anything but impartial were opened and ‘suitable’ politicians were ‘supported’. So far the only impact has been the real distress caused to already distressed women…. but give it time.

‘If in doubt follow the money’ is always good advice but it’s really difficult to do that both in the States and here. That’s why it’s called dark money. Have you heard of 55 Tufton Street? It’s a kind of community hub and shared office space, only quite selective about who’s allowed in. Tufton Street provides facilties for, among others, The Institute of Economic Affairs, the Adam Smith Institute, the Taxpayers’ Alliance, the Centre for Policy Studies and Policy Exchange.

“These groups also happen to have been rated by the campaign ‘Who Funds You?’ as among the most opaque of all those it investigated.”

George Monbiot, ‘Has Liz Truss handed power over to the extreme neoliberal thinktanks?’, The Guardian, Fri 23 Sep 2022 06.00 BST, www.theguardian.com

55 Tufton Street is a four-storey Georgian-era townhouse on historic Tufton Street, in Westminster, London, owned by businessman Richard Smith, a major donor to the Conservative Party and pro-Brexit causes. The building was purchased for £4.25 million in 2009 by Specmat, a technology manufacturing company owned by Smith. Since the 2010s the building has hosted a network of libertarian lobby groups and think tanks related to pro-Brexitclimate science denial and other fossil-fuel lobby groups. Some of the organisations it houses have close connections with those at 57 Tufton Street next door, including the Centre for Policy Studies and CapX.[

A group of these lobbying organisations, dubbed “The Nine Entities”,[3] used the building for biweekly meetings to coordinate policy and public messages. The nine lobby groups—the TaxPayers’ Alliance, the office of Peter Whittle (a former deputy leader of UKIP), Civitas, the Adam Smith InstituteLeave Means Leave, the Global Warming Policy Foundation (the UK’s principal climate change denial group), BrexitCentral, the Centre for Policy Studies and the Institute of Economic Affairs—were accused by former Vote Leave employee Shahmir Sanni of using the meetings to “agree on a single set of right-wing talking points” and “securing more exposure to the public”.[5]

This network has been linked to major US funders of climate-change denial and right-wing political causes including the Koch brothers and Robert Mercer, and to populist far-right parties in Europe, such as the Sweden Democrats and the Brothers of Italy.[6]

So was democracy just a phase, like mullets, being served food on a slate or bell-bottoms? It feels like there is a real and present threat to ‘the least worst form of government’. With conspiracy theories on one side and dark money on the other, just getting out the vote might not be anything like enough any more.

Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time…..

Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

What the Tories did for (sorry to) us!

I quite enjoyed the bits I saw and read of ‘What the Romans Did for Us’. It was quite a list as I recall.

Central heating and siege weapons, bridges and fire engines, frescoes and fast food – what do all these things have in common? They were all introduced to Britain…..by the Romans.

‘What the Romans Did for Us’, Foreword, Adam Hart-Davis, Boxtree, 2000
Think what they could have done with heads!: Image by freestockcenter on Freepik

We forget so easily don’t we who did what and why, so I thought, in the interest of balance, I’d try to remember what, in the last 13 years or so, the Tories have done for, I mean to, us. Why not join in? my list won’t be anything like complete. See what you can add and I’ll offer a Mars Bar to the winner, though, of course, Mars Bars aren’t anything like as big as they were thirteen years ago.

Some of the things on the list go all the way back to 2010 and the Tory/Lib Dem co-alition – what a treat that was. That means the average thirteen year old’s view of life will be of things steadily getting harder and less promising and it’s hard enough being an average thirteen year old without that.

Anyway, here’s my list in the order I thought of them rather than ranking by seriousness, chronology, the scale of the misery or the number of deaths caused. I’ve added a little detail and source links for those who like to check things or find out more but put the stand-alone list first for those only interested in the Mars Bar.

  • Food banks
  • Brexit
  • Stoking racism/gaslighting migrants and refugees
  • Bedroom tax
  • Inflation
  • Boris Johnson
  • Liz Truss/economic meltdown
  • Rees Mogg
  • On-shore wind turbine ban
  • Austerity
  • Child poverty
  • Public services and LA’s  underfunded
  • Privatisation
  • Covid mismanagement/excess deaths/fast-tracking mate’s PPE and other contracts
  • NHS in crisis
  • A wrecked social care system, failing residents, employees and bed-blocking the NHS
  • Trashing vocational qualifications
  • Packing the House of Lords with mates and chancers. (see above: Michelle Mone and PPE)
  • Trashing of due process and standards of behaviour in political life
  • Economic decline
  • Politics of division
  • Attacks on civil liberties/right to protest/human rights

Food banks

There are over 1,400 Trussell Trust food banks in the UK, in addition to at least 1,172 independent food banks. 


Since 2010 the number of emergency food parcels distributed by Trussell Trust food banks has risen from just over 40,000 to well over one and a half million – an increase of 3,900% in just 9 years.

Food Bank Britain – Charityworks, 17 Jun 2019, https://www.charity-works.co.uk/food-bank-

Since food insecurity implies a nutritionally inadequate diet, it is a phenomenon of significant importance for public health. Poor dietary intake has been linked to a number of diseases and chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, and osteoporosis [1516]. In addition, inadequate dietary intake during pregnancy and early childhood can increase the risk for birth defects, anaemia, low birth weight, preterm birth, and developmental risk.

Understanding the post-2010 increase in food bank use in England: new quasi-experimental analysis of the role of welfare policy.’, Filip Sosenko,, Glen Bramley & Arnab Bhattacharjee, https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/


Brexit means….we’re screwed!

There are too many consequences to detail from travel restrictions and costs, a hammering of small businesses and declining exports, untypically high inflation, labour shortages to damaged science and higher education sectors so I’ll limit myself to the economic impact.

The UK-based Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) states that the long-term impact of Brexit will be worse for the UK economy than Covid-19. The OBR estimates that Brexit will reduce the UK’s potential GDP by 4% and the pandemic by a further 2%.

EU exports fall by 46% following UK exit from single market

UK-EU trade lags China and the US

UK FDI (Foreign direct investment) fell by 17% in 2020–21

Inflation hits 13-year high

Trade deals with third-party countries will have little impact

OBR: https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/features/two-years-brexit-uk-eu/OBR: https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/features/two-years-brexit-uk-eu/

Stoking racism/gaslighting migrants and refugees

So the plan here is to stoke fear and resentment among ‘Brits’, close down, or make difficult to access, almost all legal routes, declare that anyone not entering the country ‘legally’ is a criminal and deport them.

Caitlin Boswell, policy and advocacy manager for the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) said: “The racism of the UK’s immigration system couldn’t be more clear, with this government drawing policies affecting people seeking safety along stark racial lines. At the same time, ministers are using unashamedly inflammatory and far-right language, whipping up hatred towards black and brown migrants.”

Mark Townsend Home Affairs Editor, Guardian, Sun 7 May 2023

Robert Jenrick has cartoon murals painted over at children’s asylum centre

Paintings were considered too welcoming at Kent centre for lone children arriving in UK,

Guardian 7 July 2023

Of course there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this nastiness. According to the Minister, the mural was not ‘age-appropriate’.

Bedroom tax

A really great idea; everyone knows the poor don’t need spare bedrooms and it’s only common sense to make them poorer if they don’t move to smaller hovels, sorry, homes. At its worst the tax made bereaved parents (no need any more for that extra bedroom) poorer. It didn’t encourage people to move, not least because of the shortage of suitable smaller properties.

In July 2014, a report was published by the DWP that said only one in twenty claimants affected by the change had downsized their property. A study published four months earlier had similar results.

The report also showed that there has been great demand for downsizing properties but there has been nowhere near sufficient supply of suitable sized housing.[47]

The under-occupancy penalty (also known as the under occupation penaltyunder-occupancy charge, under-occupation charge or size criteria)[1] results from a provision of the British Welfare Reform Act 2012 whereby tenants living in public housing (also called council or social housing) with rooms deemed “spare” face a reduction in Housing Benefit, resulting in them being obliged to fund this reduction from their incomes or to face rent arrears and potential eviction by their landlord (be that the local authority or a housing association).

The under-occupancy penalty is more commonly referred to as the Bedroom Tax; especially by critics of the changes who argue that they amount to a tax because of the lack of social housing (or in some areas, any rented accommodation) for affected tenants to downsize to (and the refusal to accept the risk of taking in lodgers).

In 2016 it was announced that the penalty would be extended to pensioners. Caroline Abrahams of Age UK said: “Imposing the cap on older tenants will not only cause them anxiety and distress, it is also pointless given the lack of affordable housing options available to them”.[2][3] It has not been applied to pensioners.[4]

One bedroom is allowed for each of the following:

An adult couple; Each other person aged 16 and over; Two children of the same sex under 16; Two children who are under 10 regardless of sex; Any other child (other than a foster child whose main home is elsewhere); A non-resident carer (or group of carers) for a person in the house requiring overnight care; Where a room is required by a disabled child who is unable to share a bedroom

Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedroom_tax


At least we’re good at something. The Bank of England has a 2% target for inflation, but like my own target for drinking less wine it is a tad tricky to achieve, perhaps because of the outrageous pay demands of food-bank using nurses.

The consumer price inflation in the United Kingdom held steady at 8.7 percent in May 2023, unchanged from the previous month’s 13-month low and above market expectations of 8.4 percent. The rate remained significantly higher than the Bank of England’s target of 2.0 percent, adding to concerns about its stickiness and placing additional pressure on policymakers to maintain the bank’s ongoing tightening campaign. Rising prices for air travel (31.4 percent vs 12.6 percent in April), recreational and cultural goods and services (6.7 percent vs 6.3 percent), and second-hand cars (3.9 percent vs 1.2 percent) were enough to offset falling fuel costs (-13.1 percent vs -8.9 percent) and slowing food inflation (18.3 percent vs 19.0 percent). The core inflation rate, which excludes volatile items such as energy, food, alcohol and tobacco, rose to 7.1 percent, the highest since March 1992. source: Office for National Statistics


Core CPIH (excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco) rose by 6.5% in the 12 months to May 2023, up from 6.2% in April, and the highest rate for over 30 years; the CPIH goods annual rate eased from 10.0% to 9.7%, while the CPIH services annual rate rose from 6.0% to 6.3%.

Core CPI (excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco) rose by 7.1% in the 12 months to May 2023, up from 6.8% in April, and the highest rate since March 1992; the CPI goods annual rate eased from 10.0% to 9.7%, while the CPI services annual rate rose from 6.9% to 7.4%.


There are many politicians I don’t admire. Here are three who I think have caused enormous damage to the country, its people and its reputation. Of course there are others including recent or still serving members of the government, though quite a few seem to be seeking gainful employment elsewhere.

Boris Johnson

A fantasist and liar who will make more money this year than most of us in twenty. Loved by the Tory Party until he crashed and burned (well got singed at least). They thought he was a winner following a Brexit election win after years of blaming the EU for any and everything and promising it would be a glorious new dawn once we’d stuffed Johny foreigner. No citation needed for this one. He will be the king over the water (his new house has a moat) until he ‘can’t be bovvered’. I gather he’s paid £21k an hour for whatever he does now.

Liz Truss/economic meltdown

Liz cost us all most or all of our pocket money with her fearless dash for growth.

Rarely has a budget caused such political and economic damage. Not even George Osborne’s “omnishambles” budget, when he was forced in 2012 to back down from the pasty tax, comes close.

Initially hailed by her supporters as “at last, a true, Tory budget”, the “mini” fiscal event included the biggest tax cuts since 1972, funded by a vast expansion in borrowing, and with only a vague attempt to argue it could be paid for by an unlikely economic boom.

Economists balked at the idea that £45bn of unfunded tax cuts for the rich could ever catalyse economic growth and pay for itself in the way the government argued. Not just critics from a supposed “anti-growth coalition”, but also from Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and the IMF. With inflation at a 40-year high, rising recession risks and higher borrowing costs across advanced economies, it was a big gamble at the wrong moment.

The international reaction was swift and damning. The pound fell to its lowest-ever level against the dollar, while gilt prices collapsed. Over four days, long-dated government bond yields – which move inversely to prices – rose by more than the annual increase in 23 of the past 27 years.

The mini-budget that broke Britain – and Liz Truss, Richard PartingtonEconomics correspondent, The Guardian, Thu 20 Oct 2022, https://www.theguardian.com › business › oct › the-mi…

Here are a few more headlines from Liz’s tilt at fame (achieved) and (mis)fortune.

The inside story of Liz Truss’s disastrous 44 days in office,

Financial Times, https://www.ft.com › Economy › UK › Liz Truss

Jeremy Hunt does not accept Truss mini-budget caused long-term damage, Sky, https://news.sky.com › story › jeremy-hunt-does-not-a…

The mini-budget mistake that Liz Truss cannot fix, https://www.itv.com › news › the-mini-budget-mistake…

Rees Mogg

What can I say?

On-shore wind turbine ban

I’m writing this just after the hottest June on record in the UK as wild fires burn in Canada and elsewhere and the government’s own advisers, the Climate Change Committee have just warned that the UK is missing climate targets on nearly every front.

Lord Deben, the outgoing chair of the CCC, said the UK had “lost the leadership” on climate action shown at Cop26 in 2021 and done “a number of things” – such as greenlighting a new coal mine and new oil and gasfields in the North Sea – that were “utterly unacceptable”.

He said the committee’s confidence that the government would meet its shorter-term carbon-cutting goals by 2030 was even lower than last year, despite the publication of a new green strategy by ministers. “We’ve slipped behind, and other people have moved ahead,” he said. “This is not a report that suggests satisfactory progress.”

Fiona Eliot, Environment Editor, The Guardian, 28th June 2023

Yet the Tories banned on-shore wind, arguably far less damaging to the environment than off-shore wind. If large parts of the world become too hot to sustain human life Conservative MPs will find stopping wind farms in their backyard a tad pyric; ‘not in my back yard/constituency’ won’t work with climate change.


Can you remember ‘We’re all in it together’ and the move to get rid of ministerial cars and first class rail travel? Talk about hair shirts. I’ve not managed to find out how long it took to reinstate both but my guess is not as long as the queue at the benefits office. Austerity implemented by the extremely rich George Osborne was needed to pay off the debts caused by the 2008 financial crash rooted in reckless financial speculation and gambling by banks and chancers. Just like the post-office sub-postmasters scandal, ordinary people and public services felt the pain. Still, it was worth it to get the country’s finances on an even keel wasn’t it? Except that:

From 2010 to 2019, total gross government debt increased by £643 bn from £1.2 trillion to £1.8 trillion. UK debt since 1975.

Debt under Conservatives 2010-19, economicshelp.org,

https://www.economicshelp.org › blog › debt-under-con.Nov 2019.

Child poverty

This on its own would have finished any government not so long ago. Now we seem to have got used to it.

350,000 more children were pulled into relative poverty (after housing costs) in 2021-2022. That means 4.2 million children (29% of all UK children) were in poverty – up from 3.6 million in 2010-11. 45% of all children in poverty were in families with a youngest child aged under five.

CPAG Official child poverty statistics: 350,000 more children.23 Mar 2023

Public services and LA’s  underfunded

The pattern in UK political life and government since 1945 is of conservative governments cutting taxes and the funding of public services, privatising anything they can to raise cash for giveaways and letting a returned labour government, AKA ‘the party of high taxation in hoc to the union grandees’, rebuild public services during their term of office. Remember cuddly George Osborne’s ‘we’re all in it together’ claptrap, requiring austerity and then more austerity and a shrinking state. The country is still paying the price for their slash and burn approach to everything from public health to building regulations. Margaret Thatcher’s government used the North Sea oil revenues to fund tax give-aways (no sovereign wealth fund here!) and then began the movement to sell-off (at bargain prices) every public utility and asset around (see immediately below).


I’ve actually lost count of the number of privatisations. Macmillan called it ‘selling off the family silver’. It means that not much in the way of national assets is still owned by…well us. That makes us as a country, a tad lacking in collateral when we borrow. And we certainly do borrow. Privatisation was a sure-fire way of realising an asset (albeit at less than it was worth) and, of course, it could only be sold once). The cash raised was used as a short-term alternative to raising money through taxation – a vote winner for the party of low taxation.

The emerging doctrine was that privatisation would make the large utilities more efficient and productive, and thus make British capitalism competitive relative to its continental rivals. In this period, the government sold off Jaguar, British Telecom, the remainder of Cable & Wireless and British Aerospace, Britoil and British Gas. Inflicting a second defeat on the miners, the government proceeded with the final sell-off of British Coal, as well as electricity generating companies Powergen and National Power, and British Rail. After the Labour government election loss the privatisation bandwagon continued to roll. Energy, water, rail, busses, significant elements of the health service, BT, Probation, the Tote, British (soon to become Indian and Chinese) Steel– what have I missed out? Living in Cornwall, water is a particular sore point with me. I like the sea and I like being in it. I’ve never before had to check the Surfers Against Sewage site (https://www.sas.org.uk/water-quality/sewage-pollution-alerts/) to see what I might be swimming in and swallowing.

A short history of privatisation in the UK: 1979-2012, Richard Seymour, Thu 29 Mar 2012 

Does it work? Here are two examples:

When The Post Office was privatised; the private equity buyer separated parcels (profitable) from mail (not profitable), sold off as many buildings as it could, closed as many post offices as it could and pursued sub-postmasters for alleged criminality while knowing they were innocent. Lives were wrecked and lives were lost.

Internal reports she (the chief excec.) commissioned repeatedly found the Post Office may have prosecuted completely innocent people and that the IT system was a mess. Vennells saw to it that no one was told about these conclusions, from the subpostmasters to parliament. She eventually left the Post Office with a CBE and £5m richer, failing upwards into some Cabinet Office business role and chairmanship of an NHS trust. Vennells has since gone to ground – but her giving evidence to the inquiry, when it finally comes, will be a momentous occasion.

‘After 20 years, here’s why the Post Office scandal is special: the cover-up is happening in plain sight’, Marina Hyde, Guardian, 18th July, 2023

Probation Services privatisation went equally well and a good deal of it had to be brought back into the public sector. The damage done to the service and to its employees has still not been recovered from.

Another (probation Officer) said: “I do not consider that we are in a position to protect the public, but we will be the scapegoats when tragedies happen.”

In their report Kirton and Guillaume said the privatisation had been carried out in the face of “massive opposition from criminal justice experts, senior probation leaders, the unions representing probation workers, and the workers themselves” and with “no meaningful consultation”.

It had created “conveyor belt” conditions in the privatised part of the service that meant officers were having to “compromise what they regarded as professional standards”.

Jamie Doward, Observer, 30 Jun 2019

And, as well as selling businesses and infrastructure, services have been privatised: Outsourcing has been extended into every possible area of government and public service. For example, Capita were ‘given’ the Army recruitment contract (no doubt because of their stellar record in other contracted work for government).

It also runs much criticised assessments of the eligibility of disabled people for personal independence payments on behalf of the Department for Work & Pensions. That business led to calls for an investigation last year after Channel Four caught one assessor on film dismissing a claimant’s “disability known as fat”.

The broadcaster’s Dispatches team sent a psychiatric nurse through Capita’s disability assessment training, where a senior staff member urged him to do “as many assessments a day as you can possibly manage”. Drag ’em in, get ’em rejected, and put another penny on the shareholders’ dividend.

James Moore, Independent, Thursday 02 March 2017 17:26

So how did army recruitment go?

Army and Capita must share blame for soldier recruitment. Capita admits that, at the time it bid for the contract it had been “chasing revenue”, being simply interested in booking additional contracts.

UK Parliament, https://committees.parliament.uk › committee › news, 1 Mar 2019 

I realise as I write this that it’s a ‘Magic Porridge Pot’ list – it keeps growing, makiing this a piece that will never be finished this side of an election. I’m going to say a little about two more items and leave the rest for any reader to comment on or add to, not least because the list seems to be growing faster than I’m writing.

Covid mismanagement/excess deaths/ fast-tracking mate’s PPE and other contracts

There are books written about all this so I’ll stick to snippets. How many excess deaths can be laid at the government’s door? It’s a tricky question. The main thing to bear in mind though is that there is a perfectly valid reason for what some have called a lack of preparedness and planning for an epidemic like Covid; it seems civil servants were required to spend their time planning for…..Brexit.

First a quick question: can you remember the seven Nightingale hospitals opened during the pandemic?

(They) had different purposes – with some mainly set up as critical care facilities and others designed to deliver step-down care for recovering patients (Figure 1). But the hospitals shared at least one common goal (listed on one of the hospitals’ own websites): ‘Bring hope’.

 And in the early days, the Nightingales did just that. Over March and April 2020, the consortia (including NHS, military and private sector experience) that built the Nightingales were rightly praised for rapidly converting conference and concert venues into places that could safely store and deliver oxygen to patients, support infection control and deliver complex critical care. Behind the scenes, a host of activity ensured the wider infrastructure that hospitals need would also be in place – from financing, to clinical governance processes, to ensuring there would be food and drink available to staff.

But over summer 2020, one issue came to define the narrative around the Nightingales – quite simply, they were not seeing many patients (Figure 2). And now, one year after they were built, many of the facilities are either being decommissioned or repurposed as mass vaccination centres or diagnostic centres.

But, in the end, the country has been left with relatively unused emergency facilities, hugely overworked existing facilities that were full of patients with Covid-19, and rising waits for routine care. The Nightingales have shown that in an emergency you can build ventilators, you can adapt buildings and you can manufacture personal protective equipment – but unfortunately, there is no magic NHS staffing tree to shake.

Was building the NHS Nightingale hospitals worth the money?, The Kings Fund, 5th May 2021

According to the Office for National Statistics, there have been about 170,000 excess deaths in England and Wales since the pandemic began. Most of these can be directly attributed to Covid-19 itself: after all, the virus’s name is scrawled on the death certificates of more than 212,000 UK citizens. Some of those who died may have been vulnerable or infirm, but in other circumstances years away from death. As the pandemic waned, we could have expected excess deaths to shift to below average levels over time. This has not happened.

Britain’s excess death rate is at a disastrous high – and the causes go far beyond Covid, Owen Jones, Guardian, 15 Jan 2023

Among comparator high-income countries (other than the US), only Spain and Italy had higher rates of excess mortality in the pandemic to mid-2021 than the UK.  Overall, England has experienced a larger fall in life expectancy than most comparator countries between pre-pandemic 2019 and 2021. 

In addition to its direct impact on overall mortality, the Covid-19 pandemic may have caused an increase in the number of people dying from other serious conditions, such as heart disease. The number of people seeking and receiving health care from GPsaccident and emergency and other health care services for other conditions fell significantly during the early waves of the pandemic. Routine and elective carereferrals and care for cancer and other outpatient referrals were also postponed or cancelled because of pressure on NHS services, leading to backlogs in diagnosis and treatment. It is too early to say what the full impact of the pandemic on the number of people dying from other conditions will be.

The number of people who died in care homes increased sharply in the first Covid-19 wave in 2020 peaking at more than three times the 2015–19 average (see Figure 3c), with about 27,000 excess deaths from mid-March to June 2020, comprising almost half (45 per cent) of all excess deaths nationally. The relatively large numbers of excess non-Covid-19 deaths in care homes in the first wave likely reflects the later roll out of testing in care homes compared with hospitals, and under-recording of Covid-19 as a cause of death among older people with pre-existing conditions. The impact of subsequent waves on the number of people dying in care home was more moderate with the introduction of stricter infection control measures.

The Kings Fund, March 2022

As is so often the case, attacks on the government’s handling of Covid are really unfair. Take, as an example, clearing old people with Covid out of hospitals and back to their care homes, without providing PEP to care home workers but while enforcing isolation through denying visits from relatives. All this while publicly stating (actually boasting) that ‘a protective ring’ had been put around care homes. As a result, shameful numbers of elderly people died alone while their relatives were prevented from visiting.

First of all, Matt Hancock never said it…..

During an appearance on The Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, 6 June, Health Secretary Matt Hancock denied claims that he had spoken about throwing a “protective ring” around care homes at the early stages of the Covid-19 crisis. 

Asked by Mr Marr if he regretted his use of the phrase “protective ring”, Mr Hancock said: “Well I said that much later, about what we were doing for the winter plan, and it’s been interpreted.”


Then, if he did, it was all a misunderstanding.

But Mr Hancock actually did use the phrase multiple times in May 2020, to describe action taken during the first wave of the pandemic. 

During a Downing Street press conference on 15 May, 2020, Mr Hancock said: “Right from the start, it’s been clear that this horrible virus affects older people most. So right from the start, we’ve tried to throw a protective ring around our care homes.”

Days later on 18 May 2020, when questioned on this wording, Mr Hancock told the House of Commons: “We absolutely did throw a protective ring around social care, not least with the £3.2 billion-worth of funding we put in right at the start, topped up with £600 million-worth of funding on Friday.” 


A fast-track route to securing government contracts for a company and loads of dosh for its owner(s) simply because they were known to Conservative politicians (even if the company had only existed for a week and knew nothing about the business defined in the contract) – well, what’s wrong with that?

On the sunny spring evening of 7 May 2020, in the lethal first wave of the Covid pandemic, the Conservative peer Michelle Mone and her husband, Douglas Barrowman, had themselves filmed for Instagram. Standing between the stone pillars at the front door of their mansion on the Isle of Man, they clapped for NHS staff, carers and other key workers, as they did weekly from different parts of their Ballakew estate.

“As always, Doug and myself would just like to say a massive thank you tonight to everyone … that are keeping the country going,” Lady Mone posted. “We appreciate each and every one of you.”

Two years later, officers from the National Crime Agency (NCA) were investigating PPE Medpro, a company that received more than £200m of government Covid contracts weeks after Mone referred it to ministers.

PPE Medpro and partners made as much as £100m profits
At least £70m from PPE Medpro contracts taken offshore
Small electronics firm behind supply of gowns for NHS
Jet, yacht and racehorse purchased after PPE deal
Tory peer and husband now selling yacht and properties
Mone takes leave of absence from Lords and may leave UK

David Conn and Paul Lewis, Guardian, Fri 9 Dec 2022 12.00 GMT

And, you’ll have noticed, I haven’t mentioned the Downing Street lockdown parties.

NHS in crisis

Ten years ago the NHS was meeting all its key performance targets from cancer treatment waiting timer to ambulance waiting times.

Underfunded for years, staff pay effectively cut for years, staff shortages, low morale, staff burnout, staff seeking other employment or emigrating, buildings in disrepair, record waiting lists (but surely our P.M. promised to cut waiting times and lists), poor health impacting on economic growth (lack of: see ONS report, Health, demographic and labour market influences on economic inactivity, UK: 2019 to 2022, Donald Houston, Jane Evans and Vahé Nafilyan, health.data@ons.gov.uk), falling life-expectancy, what’s not to like?

Finally, after long delays, we have from the government a workforce development plan. It’s great news; it won’t happen but it’s a good news headline grabber when very much needed. It comes from the party that abolished the nurse training bursary and failed to plan for a staffing crisis for 13 years, believing that the market would take care of recruitment – they did the same in teaching, committing themselves to the notion that schools would train their own teachers to fill vacancies (and removing the need for qualified teacher status for teachers in ‘free schools’). Wages were frozen or increased at well below cost of living rises. Result?

Department for Education survey finds that 40,000 – almost 9% of workforce – left state schools in 2021-22 before retirement.

Richard Adams Education editor, Guardian, Thu 8 Jun 2023 16.53 BST

First of all, Brexit’s £40 billion annual hit to tax revenues means less money is available to spend on our public services. We have spent around 20% less per person on health than similar European countries over the past decade. 

By now, we all know without a doubt that the extra £350 million a week promised to the NHS as a result of Brexit was a complete fabrication. If you missed it, please watch and share the European Movement’s latest video, exposing this lie:

Another issue is staffing. We can’t ignore the fact that numbers of nurses coming from the EEA fell dramatically after the referendum and have not recovered. Growing hostility to ‘foreigners’ also drove some to leave. The effect was a 28% reduction in nurses and health visitors on the UK register who qualified in the EEA, a net loss of over 10,000.

In other specialist fields, such as cardiac surgery and anaesthetics, the loss of recruitment from EU countries has been even more pronounced. In hospitals up and down the country, these EU colleagues are missed. 

Martin McKee, Professor of European Public Health and Immediate Past President of the British Medical Association, European Movement UK, https://www.europeanmovement.co.uk/

A wrecked social care system, failing residents, employees and bed-blocking the NHS

When he became prime minister Boris Johnson insisted that he had a “clear plan” for solving the crisis in social care. However, he refused to offer any long-term solution to the social care crisis in his party’s subsequent general election manifesto. He did promise: to build cross-party consensus on a long-term solution for adult social care. The government promised to make a start on this within its first 100 days. After more than 1,000 days with no green paper most people gave up waiting.

Institute for Government, A parliamentary commission remains the best option to build lasting social care reform, Graham Atkins, 25 November,2019

Is social care sorted would you say?

Connections (Part four): Choices

“’The sun dropped Like Newton’s orange behind Chapel Carn Brea.’ She frowned into the sun streaming through the hotel windows and said, “I know it’s not very good. What do you think Matt?”

”Newton’s orange? Well it’s certainly interesting, not to say pithy.”

“Don’t pun with me….I should take it out shouldn’t I?”

“No leave it; they won’t know Chapel Carn Brea though will they?”

“They should – an ancient holy place and all.[1]”

“You’re an ancient holy place!”

“I’ll take that as well meant. C’mon let’s have a stroll – watch out for falling oranges.”

Matt was a rangy, dark-haired and often intense man of average height, Jenny blond, blue eyed and freckled; they loved each other and that was enough. They walked together, a thirty-something couple, across the marble-floored reception area of the hotel and out into a late afternoon in Tangier. The heat as they left the air-conditioned lobby made them pause, hairdryer-hot so that the air twisted and rippled as they looked across the square.

“Well it’s not Cleethorpes but I suppose it will do,” she said.

“Cleethorpes next time then,” he answered smiling.

It was their last day and they ate at a small restaurant in the Grand Socco, surrounded by the colours, smells and noises of Morocco. They’d strolled, explored, eaten, bathed at Achakar Beach and just unwound for a week. They wandered back to the hotel hand in hand, replete and a tad tipsy, avoiding the thought of around three hours in the air and then a second flight and drive home the next day.

“It’s been good hasn’t it?” he said, squeezing her hand as they approached the hotel.

“It’s been perfect,” she corrected him, “and where else would I have found the inspiration for Newton’s orange?”

“Probably not in Cleethorpes.”

“Probably not.”

A day later they were home, in the far south-west, via Gatwick and Newquay. The sea was as green and the water as clear as anywhere in the world but 10 degrees colder than Mediterranean Africa.

They were a young professional couple, she a copy editor and sometime writer and he a freelance graphic designer and sometime writer. Neither was from the south-west but Covid had triggered their relocation to Cornwall, part of the flight from London to a different life following a lock-down reassessment. They could work as well there as anywhere; London was an hour away from Newquay airport or a manageable overnight on the sleeper. The world had discovered remote working, zoom and work-life balance and, the clincher, they were thinking of starting a family. With some help from their families they had bought a smallish, terraced, granite cottage in a town which had once been a mining and fishing community. The mining was long gone, though the fishing survived despite the loss of European markets post-Brexit; covid lockdown had forced small boat owners to concentrate on local customers and deliveries but they had survived. The internet was passable, the community mixed and friendly and most things they needed were within walking distance. Tangier had been an impulse, and a good one. They had been listening to, ‘If you see her say hello’ from Blood on the Tracks and he had said, “Let’s go.”

“Go where? The pub?”

“No. Tangier.”

And, because they could, they did.

Buying, packing, moving, unpacking, renovating and decorating all while working and meeting deadlines had been harder than they had ever imagined and they had needed a break. They hadn’t bargained on a Cornish winter either – unremittingly grey and wet for days (was it really only days?) on end and the wettest rain ever driven by winds that relocated the wheelie bin and anything else they were careless enough to leave out in their small garden. There had been clues, like trees all growing with a lean in the same direction, but who looks for clues on a summer’s day in Cornwall?

Now all they had to do was make a life for themselves. And again, because they could, they did. Their cottage, two two-up two-down granite miners’ cottages knocked together, with inglenooks and damp, had enough room for a shared office, two good bedrooms and a small ‘bedroom’ which would take a single bed …..or a cot. They met and were welcomed by their closest neighbour and over time others – a mix of Cornish and ‘incomers’ who had also made the move at one time or another. Di lived next door on one side, a woman in her sixties with a warm smile. She offered them a cup of tea and slice of cake on their moving-in day and brightened noticeably once she realised they were not going to be itinerant owners. On the other side was a second home-cum holiday let. “They’re not often here, in fact I hardly see them. They sometimes come down at Christmas. I think they go abroad for the summer but plenty of people come and go. I never know who’s going to emerge if the door opens. It will be lovely to have a young couple for neighbours.”

They had worried about how they might be received as the news increasingly featured house prices unaffordable to locals, not least because of the south-east diaspora. They needn’t have worried. They walked, they explored, they found pubs and restaurants unlike anything they were used to. They congratulated themselves on living a semi-rural life without commuting or having to live at a frantic pace. They slept like logs and agreed it was the clean air and healthy lifestyle.

Then, they got a kitten and, quite soon afterwards, the kitten got them. They were captivated. Black and white, with huge eyes and a terrible habit of climbing anything, including the curtains and their trouser legs, the kitten had a plaintiff meow and a fondness for and dependence on the two of them they were unable to resist; they were soon completely lost and agreed they had never liked the curtains anyway. They called the kitten Morvah, after its birthplace and spent much of their indoor life with the kitten draped over one or other’s shoulder, no longer caring about scratched furniture or hands and legs. She was particularly fond of draping herself around a neck, delicately teasing out locks of hair with her two front paws and carefully washing them. If they went for an evening stroll round the nearby field Morvah, as she grew, started to come with them and if they visited friends or in-laws she travelled in the car with them, perfectly content, as were they.

They lost her once. They had booked a coach and camping, ten-day package in Italy and left her in the care of Matt’s mother two hundred miles away. When they returned and drove ‘up-country’ to pick her up his mother confessed the young cat had disappeared on the first night and not been seen since. Not wanting to spoil their holiday his mother had waited, guilt-ridden, for their return. It was dark and siling with rain when they went out to look for her. They circled the estate calling her name but knowing it was hopeless. They heard her first, answering their calls and then she appeared, soaked through and trembling with cold and leapt into Matt’s arms. It was impossible to say which of three humans and a cat was the most pleased at the reunion.

But in that first year or so in Cornwall there were not many trips away. They found instead that friends and relatives came to them and it was too far to just pop-in; they came to stay.

After two years they agreed moving had been the best thing they had ever done and that west-Cornwall was the perfect place for a child, or children to grow up. They were making good money and decided that they would sell their London flat, rented out when they moved. The tenants were friends of theirs who had moved in when they left for Cornwall and were glad to buy at a below market price.

But even their idyllic life in an idyllic place could not but be touched by events in the world around them. They had met on the 2003 London anti-Iraq war demonstration, two protesters among over a million in London that day and 36 million world-wide. The war happened anyway, as wars do when politicians decide to take ‘tough’ decisions. Lower down the food chain those who survive the consequences of tough decisions get sacked for pretty minor screw-ups but then plebs don’t feel the hand of history on their shoulders, just the hand of the law. They didn’t stop the war but something good had come out of the protests – they had met, young and passionate, believing that if enough people protested they could change the world; they had been together ever since.

They invested all their energies in their new Cornish life, decorating, plumbing, gardening, befriending and being befriended and they did love it. But there were times when they looked at the lives of others near and far and the impact of decisions made by leaders of all persuasions, driven by ego, paranoia, greed or fear, all happening against a background of natural and human-made (mainly man-made) disasters, as the world tipped from equable to the edge of simmering and they felt something like survivor guilt or, at least, thriver guilt. They knew that living carried risks – one or other could sicken, could even die. They’d known that before Covid. Both had lost a parent prematurely and neither took their good fortune for granted. But there was a wider context they felt bearing down on them. The odds for so many people seemed loaded against any life where they could thrive. Why should their lives be, not just o.k. but good, when locally the only growth area was in the number of food banks and the chief preoccupation of ‘their’ government was keeping refugees out. The world seemed to have lost its moral direction. They talked about it more than once over an evening meal and glass (or two) of wine. They still wanted to start a family and could afford to do so, unlike many of their friends. But was it right to bring children into the world as it was and given its apparent direction of travel? They wanted to live ethical lives. They did what they could, from recycling and composting to donating to charities, including a monthly payment to the local food bank.

“Could we do more?” she asked one evening, offering her glass for a refill. “I know we give money but should we be doing something?”

“What kind of something?” he asked, concerned and interested in equal measure.

“I don’t know Matt….driving an ambulance to Ukraine or working for a disaster relief charity or some kind of volunteering. Anything must be better than nothing, don’t you think?”

“I don’t know, maybe. Whatever we do won’t be enough to make a difference will it? We could give everything to charity or nothing and only we would notice.” He knew it was a feeble response.

“That’s just an excuse for doing nothing though isn’t it?” she said earnestly.

“It is, I know it is but how much is enough? I know we’re lucky just to be alive let alone free and able to pay our way.”

She smiled. “Bill Byson agrees with you. He says that it’s a miracle that for a few billion years every ancestor of ours lived long enough to mate and breed. One failure along the way and we wouldn’t be here.”

He smiled back and said, “I just have to look at you to feel lucky.” And that was how most of their conversations ended. They were in that strange crossing place between youth and middle age, at the peak of their powers, confident and hopeful, attractive, generous spirited and easily liked and liking. Still, they fretted and chafed at what they might do that they weren’t doing.

One late spring Saturday morning their dainty black and white cat was hit by a passing car on the road outside. The car didn’t stop. Morvah dragged herself inside and died cradled in Matt’s arms as Jenny stroked and soothed her. The colour in the dainty cat’s irises suddenly froze like crystal as life left her. And then she was gone.

They were not prepared for the waves of sorrow that washed over and through them and cried in each other’s arms, utterly disconsolate. It was a loss of innocence in more than one way. It seemed quite wrong that a creature so loving and so loved should die. They buried her in a corner of the back garden and still for many weeks would listen for the cat flap and Morvah’s greeting when they came home. The cottage felt empty even when they were both home – a piece of their life together had been taken and left a wound that did not heal without scarring.

They were not naive; they understood that Ukraine was about geopolitics as well as right and wrong, a tyrant, independence and sovereignty, war crimes and international law. They knew there were no angels to be on the side of. They understood that the schism in the US between right and centre with its money driven encouragement of extremism and vitriol was no more than an outlier of the way their own place was moving. But they were not cut out, or meant, to be martyrs (no-one is though some have martyrdom not fame thrust upon them) or to dedicate their lives to a cause, sacrificing personal happiness for the greater good. The UK was still, for them at least, an o.k. place for all its faults and its accelerating economic and political decline.

And so, like the white liberals they were, they did what they could, aligned with like-minded people on social media, and lived their lives. They sacrificed a little of their sufficiency in the hope that it would help, did what they could in their community and cared for their families and friends. They could have done more. We could almost all do more. Born in a less comfortable time or place they would have done more – wouldn’t we all?

Instead, they had two children, Morwenna and Jack. They wrapped them in love and hoped that they would have a future. From the moment their first child was born they had no choice but to hope and live accordingly, knowing that, for their time at least, the sun would still sink over Chapel Carn Brea, as it would over Tangier, Mar-a-Lago and Kherson Oblast, over inflatable boats on unfriendly seas and in parched lands and flooded lands where living had become impossible. Because “The sun also rises[2].”

[1] Chapel Carn Brea is often described as the first hill in Cornwall (from a westerly perspective) and rises 198 metres (650 ft) above sea level…..The hill is an important historical site showing evidence of neolithic and early Bronze Age activity, as well as the remains of the thirteenth century chapel from which it is named. On the summit is a 9 metres (30 ft) diameter entrance grave (also known as chambered cairn) which had a south-facing entrance and was built in the late neolithic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapel_Carn_Brea

[2] ‘The Sun Also Rises’ is a 1926 novel by Ernest Hemingway

‘Any lie will do’ or ‘Then came AI.’

If we live now in a post-truth world, is it something new and does it matter? Truth has always been a slippery fish to catch and hold.

the alternative facts lady

Kellyanne Conway worked in Trumpworld, where ‘alternative facts’ (lies in old-speak) were part of the fabric, the warp and weft, of working life. But she was hardly ahead of her time.

When the first photographs were seen it must have seemed extraordinary, a miracle for those modern times.

“The use of cameras has allowed us to capture historical moments and reshape the way we see ourselves and the world around us.” Petapixel, 30 First Photos from the History of Photography, https://petapixel.com/first-photos-photography-history/

A real moment in time captured and frozen for all to see. Portrait painters must have been less than enraptured – cutting edge technology with the power to put them out of business and no extra charge for two arms!

It didn’t take too long though for people to learn to pose for the camera, inventing for posterity domestic scenes of bliss and contentment.

Members of the Routh family enjoying a picnic with Champagne at Stonehenge, BBC, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-wiltshire-50743523

The first of the five photographs, taken by Elsie Wright in 1917, shows Frances Griffiths with the alleged fairies, Wickipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cottingley_Fairies

And of course it didn’t take long for people to realise photographs could be faked.

This came a while after the written word had been used, not to record but to embroider and even invent things that hadn’t happened. Fiction – written lies – were the first illusion to ripple the still waters of accepted truth (at least if we exclude politicians and con artists – always with us). Where we had had the comfort of reading or seeing performed versions of true(ish) history, bible narratives or equally credible myths of antiquity, suddenly these reliable journeys into our shared past were joined by a made-up world where anything could happen and outcomes were uncertain; it was hard to know what was true and what wasn’t. Surely ‘The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe’ (1831) must be true – after all there were actual measurements and they couldn’t be made up could they? Except they were. https://victorianweb.org/art/illustration/cruikshank/crusoe/11.html

Scanned image and text by Philip V. Allingham

Crusoe builds a large dugout canoe by George Cruikshank The half-page vignette enforces the reader’s belief through such specific details as the dense jungle, the home-made ladder, and the props for the hull.

The birth of the novel was both fascinating and disturbing for early readers – church leaders were particularly incensed at losing their monopoly on true lies.The novel brought the end of certainty about written truth. Bodice rippers, where libertines seduced and ravished innocent young women, gripped readers of all classes, scandalised the clergy and encouraged vicarious living. ‘Clarissa, ‘The History of a Young Lady: Comprehending the Most Important Concerns of Private Life. And Particularly Shewing, the Distresses that May Attend the Misconduct Both of Parents and Children, In Relation to Marriage’, by Samuel Richardson, scandalised and titillated in equal measure.

Before all this, truth was either what the bible said, the vicar’s spin on it or the evidence of our own eyes. Fiction gave us ‘alternative truths’ and, ironically, the camera brought the promise of capturing the ‘evidence of our own eyes’. War correspondents could offer a pictorial record to support their words and expose something of the reality of war – seeing really was believing, though the person behind the lens could be a tad selective, either for reasons of good taste or something less commendable.

The first photographs of war were made in 1847, when an unknown American photographer produced a series of fifty daguerreotypes depicting scenes from the Mexican-American war in Saltillo, Mexico. These images covered a range of subjects, from portraits of generals and infantrymen to landscapes, street scenes, and post-battle burial grounds. While the images provide insight into daily life on the periphery of the war, they are especially notable for what they do not depict: in them, we see neither active battles or wounded and dead bodies, nor the idealization and glory sometimes associated with war.

Seeing is believing: early war photography Artstor
Roger Fenton, Hardships in the Camp, 1855. Image courtesy of George Eastman House www.eastmanhouse.org

So, while the camera never lied, photographers did:

The Valley of the Shadow of Death, one of Fenton’s best-known images from the conflict, indirectly portrays the horrors experienced by troops undergoing heavy fire via a road covered heavily with cannonballs. Fenton almost certainly staged this photograph, moving additional cannonballs into the road to emphasize the horrific bombardment experienced by troops marching on the road days earlier, rather than documenting casualties of the attack.


Then came movies, films of things that happened or might have happened or were just plain made up for entertainment! Imagine the delight and shock of watching real people moving and (eventually) talking, who were not really there; moments from the past captured to be relived as if happening now, and viewed in the magic, shadowy cinema darkness. There had always been celebrities, though in the distant past most people knew of them but would never see them. Kings, queens and other nobs were distant objects in another universe for most of the human race, and most members of the human race were safer because of it. Who would have wanted to be Henry VIII’s mate? Not me guv! The camera and moving pics. changed all that with a vengeance. Not just one but loads and loads of stars were born – well, manufactured at any rate. And Hollywood and TV studios, with judicious help from the CIA purse when needed, conquered the world with movies like ‘Birth of a Nation’, films featuring plucky western pioneers fighting frightening and savage ‘hostiles’, or focussing on the danger of communist infiltration as McCarthyism took root in the paranoid lobe of US brains. The poster for one Red Menace film declared it

So shocking it was filmed behind locked studio doors

adding that

Using the guise of ‘Moral Values’, the Red Menace creeps like a cancer across the land, poisoning minds, corrupting our youth, threatening world peace, sowing hatred, intolerance, cultural division, greed, injustice, arrogance, and delusions of superiority, and cutting a wide swath of war, death, devastation, disease, and human misery abroad.


Misuse of the comma is the worst fault here but it is worth remembering that there’s a bit of pot and kettle about the CIA and white corporate America complaining about ‘cultural division, greed, injustice, arrogance, and delusions of superiority’.

Hollywood entertainment was the most effective soft-power ever, showing the world the American way of life, freedom, heroism, opportunity and unimaginable prosperity. A polarised cold-war world slugged it out in propaganda wars having learned from two world conflicts that controlling the narrative was almost as important as controlling the battlefield. Did the Germans actually bayonet babies when they invaded Belgium in WW1? The jury’s out. Was there an industrial scale attempt to exterminate Jews, Romanies, ‘mental defectives’ and communists in WW2? Most of the world would say Yes because there is compelling evidence that the Shoah, the killing of nearly six million Jews in Europe was not a nightmare but a terrible crime against humanity. But, here’s the thing, there are people who deny the Holocaust ever took place and claim it to be part of a plot by ‘international Jewry’ or some other invented organising group posing a threat to us all. Can evidence be made up? Can ‘truth’ be manufactured? Can any crazy thing be faked?  

Of course it can. Most people know that the iconic raising of the Stars and Stripes at the battle for Iwo Jima (March 1945) actually did take place after terrible fighting during the war in the Pacific but was then restaged as a photo. opportunity for the ‘folks back home’ not to mention the generals – a ‘true lie’? And, of course, Hollywood made a film about it:

Then came Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, now Meta, apparently a chance to be immersed in any kind of non-reality you like, Soma on an iPhone. Imagine actually designing a programme that would only connect you with people who believed the same things you did – a perfect recipe for delusional conspiracy theories. Try posting that Liz Truss is a Martian or Barak Obama isn’t American and you’ll soon have a following. Only a true anorak could think it was better to link together groups who agreed, whatever they believed, rather than binding humanity together across belief systems. Facebook’s revenue in 2020 was 85.96 billion USD, quite a powerful incentive to allow freedom of hatespeech on a platform. Meanwhile Twitter’s new owner has his own ideas about how to save humanity.

Just three days after Elon Musk bought Twitter, he posted a tweet promoting the baseless allegation that Paul Pelosi, the husband of the speaker of the House, who was assaulted on Friday at the couple’s home, had been drunk and in a fight with a male prostitute….. “There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye” and (he) then shared a link to an article in a faux newspaper, the Santa Monica Observer…..that in 2016 claimed that (Hillary) Clinton had died and that a body double was sent to debate the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.

Robert Reich, Guardian, Monday Oct. 30th 2022

So we now live in a world of manipulated images. Sometimes this is art for art’s sake and sometimes it’s to make money or to gain or keep power. We can buy a phone now which features a camera offering image manipulation on the go. Someone you don’t want in the pic?, easy just remove them to create your own reality. Something you don’t like about yourself or your life? Easy just embroider things on your Facebook pages. For many of us, the reality of our experience seems less important than other people’s perception of our lives. Social influencers don’t make money promoting reality. I don’t want to suggest that social media is always a malign addition to our tottering civilisation; it offers a platform with instant access to oppressed people and an organisational tool for protest. Information is the enemy of repression. Just ask Iranian women and men taking to the streets or Ukranians living in cellars in the middle of a war. Like a loaded gun, the harm or benefit brought by social media depends on who’s controlling it and why. It’s no surprise that oppressive regimes across the world work hard to control media and shut down what they can’t control.

Some politicians have always lied of course but it took Trump and Kellyanne, not to mention our own diminutive mini-Trump, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, to really appreciate that we live in a post-truth universe. We don’t need evidence any more. A genuine or faked photo, email or video is now redundant. We don’t any longer need to manipulate records to prove our dubious assertions, that’s simply unnecessary; all we need is “alternative facts” – much more powerful than truth. The likes of dodger Johnson was entranced that what had been ascribed to his appalling narcissism could win an election and a referendum. In the UK the single most destructive economic decision in our history was taken on the back of blatant lies and, while there was some blowback, characterised as ‘remoaners’ being bad losers, nothing happened….unless you count the trashing of the UK economy.

Proponents of Pizzagate connected Comet Ping Pong (pictured) to a fictitious child sex ring.

In the US as in the UK an incredible number of people believe total bollocks because it fits their world view. Anything can be true, from paedophile rings in pizza bar basements to ‘stolen’ elections or ‘trickle down economics’.

Here are a few examples of what Marjorie Taylor Greene claims to believe: the 9/11 attacks were an inside job, mass shootings are staged by gun control proponents, “beams of blue light” from space-based “solar generators” started forest fires in California and a “global cabal of Satan-worshipping paedophiles” runs America. And here by contrast is what one ancient Roman believed:

If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one’s own self-deception and ignorance.”

Simple Meditations from Marcus Aurelius

For a well-researched piece on US conspiracy theories have a look at: So When, Exactly, Did Conspiracy Culture Stop Being Fun?, Rani Baker, Medium, Oct 20

There’s no moral to this post but I can’t help thinking we live now in a world where truth has no longer to be a significant component of our discourse and holding on to what we think is true is harder than it ever has been. The choice seems to be between devoting time and energy into sifting probable truth from the mass of static and manipulation or just believing whatever chimes with our world view….. and our world view depends on how we are able to access information about the world we live in – the perspectives of many a North Korean, middle-aged Russian, Canadian, west-coast American, mid-west American, Chinese citizen etc. will almost certainly not align because of the ‘education’ they have experienced and the bias always present in the media worlds they separately inhabit. Most of humanity just doesn’t have time to do more than work too hard to make ends meet and take what pleasure they can in increasingly difficult economic and social environments; sifting truth from true lies from lies is so much harder than just affiliating with a belief system and world view we can live with and, all too often, kill or die to defend. Today we seem to have exchanged harmless illusion for harmful delusion and, as my mother used to say, “No good will come of it.”

Oh yes….and then came AI great at diagnosing disease but very, very frightening when it generates all the alternative truths you could imaging, a selection box of world views and conspiracy theories.

I’ll settle for WOKE

In the last few months a number of articles have appeared in the right-wing press (where else?) claiming that ‘taking the knee’ is empty posturing, that the Black Lives Matter movement is led by avowed Marxists and, apparently worst of all, that it’s just ‘WOKE’ and therefore can be tolerated (just), ignored or better yet, booed.

An empty gesture or a communist plot? (courtesy of Sky Sports)

It’s odd that such a cluster of articles with the same theme should appear so close together; as Ian Fleming wrote: “once is happenstance, twice is co-incidence and three time is enemy action.” Here are a few excerpts to give you a flavour.

Woke activists will tell you otherwise – but taking the knee will …

I would never boo England players for taking the knee – but I do understand why many fans find it offensive.
https://www.telegraph.co.uk, 2021/08/11

Taking the knee isn’t the best way of showing black lives matter

I’m a strong supporter of anti-racism both in the game and out, but by adopting this gesture, players risk alienating as many people as they persuade. Now that players have been taking the knee for some months now, it’s also worth asking: what has really changed?

Spectator, 21.6.21

Footballers taking the knee has lost its potency and should be …

Some supporters have grown tired of being force-fed gesture politics and Premier League needs to act before capacity crowds return.

https://www.telegraph.co.uk, 2021/05/24

What a relief taking the knee will be banned at the Olympics

Sporting protests everywhere now, multiplying to the point where the meaning is being lost – the IOC upholding Rule 50 dials things down.

https://www.telegraph.co.uk, 2021/04/22

The Marxist tag is presumably considered by the authors enough in itself to make it unnecessary to consider the rights and wrongs of taking the knee. So I guess I could just call the articles’ authors crypto-fascists (or just plain fascists) and end the piece here. But I’ve just bought a pictorial history of racial oppression in the US and it’s only a few weeks since players in one of our national football teams were vilified on social media, not for missing crucial penalties but for being black and missing crucial penalties. I guess they would rather not have missed the penalties but I somehow doubt they would rather be white; it’s increasingly embarassing.

I’ve attached below a few facts and pictures that might go some way to explain why making a public gesture against racial prejudice and intolerance is more important now than ever as black voter suppression legislation rolls back the years in the US and bigots and racists are empowered in the UK.

As a way in have a look at abridged lyrics of ‘American Skin’ by Bruce Springsteen (or better yet look at the YouTube clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQMqWAiWPMs)

“American Skin (41 Shots)”

Forty-one shots and we’ll take that ride
Across the bloody river to the other side
Forty-one shots cut through the night
You’re kneeling over his body in the vestibule
Praying for his life

Is it a gun? Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet? This is your life
It ain’t no secret (It ain’t no secret)
It ain’t no secret (It ain’t no secret)
No secret, my friend
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

(Forty-one shots)
(Forty-one shots)
(Forty-one shots)
(Forty-one shots)

Forty-one shots, Lena gets her son ready for school
She says, “On these streets, Charles
You’ve got to understand the rules
If an officer stops you promise me you’ll always be polite
And that you’ll never ever run away
Promise Mama, you’ll keep your hands in sight”

Is it a gun? Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet? This is your life
It ain’t no secret (It ain’t no secret)
It ain’t no secret (It ain’t no secret)
No secret, my friend
You get killed just for living in your American skin
Forty-one shots and we’ll take that ride
Across this bloody river to the other side
Forty-one shots I got my boots caked in this mud
We’re baptized in these waters (We’re baptized in these waters)
And in each other’s blood (And in each other’s blood)

Is it a gun? Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet? This is your life
It ain’t no secret (It ain’t no secret)
It ain’t no secret (It ain’t no secret)
No secret my friend
You get killed just for living in
You get killed just for living in
You get killed just for living in your American skin

Forty-one shots (You get killed just for living)

The song is about the shooting of an unarmed 23-year-old immigrant named Amadou Diallo by four plainclothes officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon, and Kenneth Boss. Carroll would later claim to have mistaken him for a rape suspect from one year earlier. In the early morning of February 4, 1999, Diallo was standing near his building after returning from a meal. At about 12:40 a.m., officers Edward McMellon, Sean Carroll, Kenneth Boss and Richard Murphy were looking for an alleged serial rapist in the Soundview section of the Bronx. While driving down Wheeler Avenue, the police officer stopped his unidentified car and interrogated Diallo, who was in front of his apartment. When they ordered Diallo to show his hands, he supposedly ran into the apartment and reached into his pocket to show his wallet. Soon afterwards the four officers fired 41 shots with semi-automatic pistols, fatally hitting Diallo 19 times. Eyewitness Sherrie Elliott stated that the police continued to shoot even though Diallo was already down.

The investigation found no weapons on or near Diallo; what he had pulled out of his jacket was a wallet. The internal NYPD investigation ruled that the officers had acted within policy, based on what a reasonable police officer would have done in the same circumstances. Nonetheless the Diallo shooting led to a review of police training policy and of the use of full metal jacket (FMJ) bullets.

On March 25, 1999, a Bronx grand jury indicted the four officers on charges of second-degree murder and reckless endangerment. On December 16, a court ordered a change of venue to Albany, New York because of pretrial publicity. On February 25, 2000, after three days of deliberation, a jury composed of four black and eight white jurors acquitted the officers of all charges.

Information fromWikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Amadou_Diallo)

Amadou’s shooting was not an aberration or a tragic but unavoidable accident: it was simply a continuation of the strong thread of oppression and violence running through American history from the slave trade on. In our modern and enlightened times there are many shootings in the US and around 1000 a year are by police officers. And race and colour often play a part. Black Americans account for less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of White Americans. Hispanic Americans are also killed by police at a disproportionate rate.

Information from the Washington Post, September 6th 2021.

Southern Justice exemplified in the treatment of a slave
What could justify this?

During the Civil War in the US black Union troops if captured would be sold into slavery or simply executed or burnt alive. And, of course, black Union soldiers were paid around half the white rate though there is no evidence that they suffered at half the rate when injured or killed.

The post-Civil War Reconstuction aiming at biracial democracy was remorselessly dismantled in the southern states and the 1876 post-election trade-off of a Republican president in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from the south led to increasing repression and racial violence. There were attacks by the KKK and other groups on black churches, schools and public officials and then, in 1883, the Supreme Court declared the Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutional. Then as now the Supreme Court rolled back hard-won civil rights and then as now voter suppression accompanied discrimination in social, economic, political and legal areas of life. By 1910 to be black was to be disenfranchised in southern states.

The lynching of Garfiled Burley and Curtis Brown, Tennessee, October 1902



And there was lynching. At least
2060 African Americans were lynched between 1882 and 1901.
In parts of the South public lynchings became popular events.
Photos were taken and turned into souvenir post-cards.




In Waco in 1916 a black man was publicly burned in front of a cheering crowd of several thousand whites including many children.

‘Freedom’, Phaidon Press, pp39

After the First World War returning black troops encountered a ‘wave of white racist vigilante violence and rioting. African Americans were publicly executed, sometimes burned alive, sometimes still wearing their uniforms.

Cropped image: the smiling faces of a white mob of around 5000 that seized a black man from the courthouse, mutilated him, shot him over 1000 times and then burned his body. His smouldering body is just out of frame bottom centre. When? 1919 in Omaha. From ‘Freedom’, Phaidon Press pp101

Always the lesson that racist whites tried to instil in the peoples they enslaved and kept back was a simple one: “Don’t try to get up, we’ll just knock you down again.”

It’s a story of hundreds of years of oppression based on nothing more than some irrelevant difference, in this case colour, in others religion or gender. I’ve highlighted episodes from a largely American story – the English one is less violent, at least after the slave trade but won’t feel so different to many of us, whatever our colour. After all, the UK government deported some of its citizens because they clearly weren’t white and would have deported a whole lot more if the Windrush scandal hadn’t broken. Dawn raids were the order of the day along with a ‘hostile environment’ – just like Germany in the 30’s. And now we’re going to push refugee boats back where they came from. After all they’re not like us are they? Except…… I still remember Jo Cox’s maiden speech: “We have more in common than that which divides us.”

And we can believe that and act accordingly given the right leadership. Given the wrong leadership we can be blind to everything but division.

“Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. ……….when they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.”

Stanley Milgram, 1974

There’s quite a lot at stake if we’re not allowed to be WOKE:

If we fail (to collaborate) the forces that contributed to Brexit, the envy and isolationism not just in the UK but around the world that spring from not sharing, of cultures driven by a narrow definition of wealth and a failure to divide it more fairly, both within nations and across national borders, will strengthen. If that were to happen, I would not be optimistic about the long-term outlook for our species.

Stephen Hawking

“And is the rift between Black and White? Or Poor and Rich? Stranger and Friend? Or between those whose fathers have died and those whose fathers are still alive? Or those with curly hair and those with straight? Those who call their dinner fufu and those who call it stew? Or, to ask it differently, what is the one true, crucial border?”

‘Go, Went, Gone’, Jenny Erpenbeck, pp211

So taking the knee is a pretty mild demonstration against the border between those who are held back, often suffer and sometimes die because of an accident of birth and those who thrive because of it; it might even be considered by some (Marxists no doubt) to be a relatively measured way to respond to, and protest about, hundreds of years of violence and injustice.

Something Happened!

I’ve held off writing or even thinking about Brexit and the election. it was all a bit too raw. The Labour Party is still agonising over what went wrong and, in any case, there have been plenty of acute analyses of why things turned out this way. What I think has really hurt many of us is the evidence offered by the election that the country we call home is not the natural home of liberal, humanitarian values. I know that fewer people voted Tory/pro-Brexit than didn’t and that, if only we had had PR life would be different but ……we don’t have PR and the sheer numbers voting for a return of this government despite their record and their leader, means I can empathise with those who say ‘this no longer feels like my country’.

I was going to ask ‘what have we become?’ but it seems pretty clear that there is no ‘we’ anymore; perhaps there never was but many of us bumbled along with a sense of this country as reasonably compassionate and with some sense of social connection at least, if not community. It’s difficult now to believe that stuff. So I’ll avoid the ‘we’ word and consider what the country has shown itself to be, not just around the edges but to a far greater extent than many of us thought possible.

Enough voters wanted to ‘get Brexit done’ to re-elect a party which had already done significant harm to many of them. That’s a bit of a puzzle in itself and the kind of vox pops that feature still in the press and on radio and TV don’t do much more than illustrate an incredible level of believed myth and lie about the EU and what’s coming down the line now we’ve left. What happened to allow government to escape blame for the state of the country and many people’s lives by projecting it all on the EU? I can’t get much beyond most people, and certainly most lower income people, read the Mail or Sun and seem to believe what they read. The word ‘read’ itself may need some qualification. There’s not a lot to read in the redtops but I’m not sure they are read cover to cover. What I guess readers see and internalise are headlines and they clearly move and shape opinion for many voters.

Jeremy Corbyn refuses to rule out CANCELLING Brexit if the Lib Dems prop him up in power as he rants that Boris Johnson would let food be laced with ‘rat hair’ to secure deal with US

Daily Mail, 05/11/19 17:22

Jeremy Corbyn desperately dodged when challenged over whether he would be prepared to revoke the Article 50 process to win over Jo Swinson’s pro-Remain party.

Boris Johnson reveals ‘fast and furious’ plan to bang his ‘oven-ready’ Brexit deal through parliament within days of winning an election – as Nigel Farage claims the Tories twice tempted him with a peerage in exchange for fighting fewer seats

Daily Mail, 03/11/19 13:34

Boris Johnson wants to get his ‘oven-ready’ Brexit wrapped up by Christmas if he wins decisively in the UK General Election in December, saying his deal will be passed easily in the Commons.

If Boris Johnson wins today, a bright future begins… but if Jeremy Corbyn gets in, the lights will go out for good.

The Sun, 11 Dec 2019, 22:30

Updated: 12 Dec 2019, 7:15

I guess there were lots of reasons why Labour did so badly, a couple of reasons why the Lib Dems bombed (the leader and a pro-remain stance) and really only one reason why the Tories did so well; not ‘the economy stupid’ but Brexit, Brexit, Brexit. Think about that; the economy was thought to be less important than Brexit by lots of voters. In live interviews ‘real’ people said they didn’t care if it made them poorer, it would be worth it to be ‘out’. The sentiment was something like ‘we’ve done it on our own before and we can do it again’. The history I’ve studied says we haven’t done it before (if ‘it’ is stand alone and compete and dominate through our genius, industry or military might) and I don’t think we’ll do it this time either. Maybe that’s the other lesson to draw from all this; myth and lie will quite likely beat conviction and truth. We joined the EU, (Common Market as was) because our economy was tanking, not least because our business and industry was (and is) run by the same tribe who run the country and they’re not very good at it. Government, the professions and business are dominated by ex-public schoolboys (with some honourable exceptions, particularly in the Labour Party) who are a million miles away from understanding the lives lived by the poor or even ordinary working people (often the same thing).

Our PM has learned a lot from the US and the ‘Leader of the Free World’

Our Leader!

He doesn’t just want a trade deal from America; it’s the first port of call for the Conservative Party when they are short of ideas, hence our education free for all, our impoverished health service, the reduction of benefits to below subsistence level, noises off about politicising the judiciary, racism, loud announcements of policy commitments but no action to deliver them and, oh yes, big, big lies. Post-war and post-imperial has been a rocky road for us; post-EU in a post-truth world is going to challenge Bozzer, but it will challenge the people who voted for him, and those who didn’t, even more.

How we stood alone (not)

When Britain first went to war (1939), it was as the ally of both Poland and France. Australia and New Zealand declared war on the same day as Britain did. They were joined by South Africa three days later, and Canada four days after that. In the following months British troops also fought alongside the Norwegians, the Belgians and the Dutch. In other words Britain was just one part of an international effort.

In May 1940, the British Expeditionary Force fielded a little more than 300,000 men. The French had almost 10 times that number.

If Britain had plenty of allies at the beginning of the war, then the same is true of the end of the conflict. In July 1941, the Soviet Union signed a military pact with Britain. Less than six months later, the United States also joined the alliance, followed by Cuba, Mexico, Brazil and eventually every other state in Latin America. China also joined the Allies.

………Britain was little more than a junior partner in this Grand Alliance. The Soviets did most of the fighting in Europe, while the Americans provided most of the resources. This was reflected at all of the major conferences that took place towards the end of the war, where the two superpowers took the lead on almost everything. At the conference of the so-called ‘Big Three’ in Yalta, in February 1945, British diplomats were already joking that it was actually a conference of the ‘Big Two-and-a-Half’.

Yalta (Getty images); I expect the women are just out of frame!

WW2: When Britain stood (not quite) alone (https://www.historyextra.com/period/second-world-war/britain-stood-alone-ww2-myths-brexit-debate/)

The 8th Army, that’s the Desert Rats, was 25% British and three quarters ‘imperial’; it contained soldiers from Australia, Britain, India, New Zealand, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Ceylon, Cyprus, the Gambia, the Gold Coast, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Palestine, Rodrigues, Sierra Leone, the Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanganyika, and Uganda. The 14th Army, which fought the Japanese, contained soldiers from India, Nepalese Gurkhas, Kenyans, Nigerians, Rhodesians, Somalis and, oh yes, Englishmen. From a population of under 3 million 43000 wicked fenians from the neutral Irish Republic served in the British armed forces.

It’s called helping people when they’re in trouble.

It’s equality Stupid!

“England’s mortality rate for under-fives 50% higher than in Sweden”,
Guardian, 4.5.18.

Hands up if you think this is a surprising statistic. It’s not of course; it’s part of a pattern of declining social, emotional and physical health caused by increasing inequality. Things are getting worse…’worse by design’, a strapline to go along with ‘we’re all in it together’.

The Guardian piece goes on to say:

“although it has a similar level of economic development and healthcare to Sweden, the UK’s more unequal wealth distribution leads to poorer maternal health during pregnancy”.

To be clear, this means preventable deaths of children and babies are …well not being prevented. The way we let our children die (because that is what we as a country or they as a government choose to do) is the way we do or don’t do a whole lot of other things. Here’s a list[1] of things that grow worse as inequality increases:

  • low level of trust;
  • mental illness (including drug and alcohol addiction);
  • life expectancy and infant mortality;
  • obesity;
  • children’s educational performance;
  • teenage births;
  • homicides;
  • imprisonment rates;
  • social mobility (not to be confused with grammar schools!)

There are other items which could be added to the list; even levels of recycling are higher in more equal countries.

The most unequal countries in the ‘developed’ world are Singapore, USA, Portugal and the good old UK. In these countries the gap between the rich and the poor is …. somewhat extreme and so are the negative indicators of social and physical health and well-being. The same correlation is found when data for US states is analysed. The greater the level of inequality, the less trusting, mentally stable, alive!, BMI healthy, academically achieving, not pregnant, not murdered, not in jail, and socially mobile will be the population.

“Compared to other developed countries the UK has a very unequal distribution of income. Out of the 30 OECD countries in the LIS data set, the UK is the seventh most unequal, and within this data set it is the fourth most unequal in Europe.”

Here’s the thing though; these poor quality of life factors don’t just hit the poor. The poor are over-represented in the statistics to be sure – nothing surprising about that – but the negative physical and social outcomes are spread across the whole of society. In a more unequal society great wealth won’t stop you being less trusting or more likely to murder or be murdered than your counterpart in Sweden. Trickle-down economics and being “intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich as long as they pay their taxes” are no recipe for the general good, or even the good of the filthy rich, it seems, as Peter Mandelson belatedly recognised .

Gronda Morin https://grondamorin.com/2017/11/20/republican-senators-this-is-what-a-tax-cut-for-the-middle-class-looks-like/comment-page-1/

These clear links between the level of inequality and well-being apply when the dataset is from  countries and when the dataset is from US states. There is a clear correlation, demonstrating a causal link, between levels of inequality and quality of life – the greater the gap between ‘haves’ and ‘haven’t a chance of having’, the worse (and shorter) life is for all of us. The findings don’t relate to levels of absolute poverty or wealth, they relate to the distance between the two – they are about fairness and our perception of it.

The ‘developed’ world seems to have reached the point when further increases in living standards don’t actually make a positive difference to health and happiness and we’ve certainly reached the point when the earth and the natural world are showing signs of stress we had better stop ignoring. It’s a big ask to turn greed around. If there is profit to be made, the cost to others of making it is seldom a factor: biofuels seemed a good environmental idea once but someone saw a chance to make money so forests are being cleared to grow biofuel crops and tankers of biofuel are crossing the Atlantic from Europe to the USA and back in order to pick up the US government subsidy paid when small qualities of petroleum are added in the US rather than Europe.

The US is the most unequal society in the ‘developed’ world. It has the highest rates of crime, poverty, drug abuse, violence (you name it they’ve got the highest) in the ‘developed’ world too. We’ve been trying to catch them up under this government but the EU got in the way. So we’re taking back control so that we can give it to the US and become even more of a colony. Hence the right-wing press, politicians and tax exiles are pro-Brexit on any terms and hence the deliberate run-down of public services so they’re ready to be sold to US business.

 If we focus on the UK

The graph below shows how income is shared amongst households. The poorest fifth of society have only 8% of the total income, whereas the top fifth have 40%.

Making work pay?https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/scale-economic-inequality-uk

Wealth in Great Britain is even more unequally divided than income. The richest 10% of households hold 45% of all wealth. The poorest 50%, by contrast, own just 8.7%.6

How the rich do carry on!https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/scale-economic-inequality-uk

  • We have astronomical pay inequality, with workers trapped on poverty wages while Chief Executives take home pay packets that resemble massive lottery wins each year. Britain’s top bosses are paid, on average, well in excess of 100 times more than nurses, teachers, police officers and care workers.
  • We have staggering wealth inequality, with the richest 1,000 people in Britain owning more wealth than the poorest 40% of UK households.
  • We have a housing crisis that is fueling homelessness, locks the vast majority of renters out of home ownership and traps many in substandard housing – plus an outdated council tax system that hits the poorest hardest.
  • We have a shocking gap in healthy life expectancy which condemns the poorest to 20 fewer years of healthy life than the richest.
  • We have unacceptable attainment gaps between equally bright children from richer and poorer backgrounds.
  • We have people falling through gaping holes in our safety net, a record high for food bank usage, and rising death rates for babies and the frail elderly and rising child poverty.

What does this mean for the lives we all live? Well here’s one thing it means:

The life expectancy gap between England’s richest and poorest communities has grown over the past 14 years, a report has found.

”We know that the UK has one of the highest levels of income inequality in the developed world and this report reveals that low incomes are costing lives. After ONS figures last month showing a similar trend, alarm bells ought to be ringing in the heart of Government. This trend can only move upwards, as the UK has become a country where nurses and teachers depend on food banks, where four million children live in poverty and working people are exploited by low wages and the gig economy. The roll out of Universal Credit and over a million children losing their free school meals could also contribute to  more ill health and more inequality.”


It is, undeniably, a matter of life and death: The majority of the top 50 local areas in England and Wales which had the lowest life expectancy for both girls and boys were found in the North East and North West of England and in Wales. The top 50 local areas with the highest life expectancy were almost all in the East Midlands, South East, East of England, South West or London. I don’t think it’s because the south gets better weather. (https://fullfact.org/health/life-expectancy-and-poverty/)

Material inequalities have powerful psychological effects: when the gap between rich and poor increases, so does the tendency to define and value ourselves and others in terms of superiority and inferiority. Of course, we know all this; if it’s not common sense it’s gut feeling – fairness matters. Societies based on fundamental equalities, sharing and reciprocity generate much higher levels of well-being. If suicide pills like Brexit need an explanation it’s to be found in the alienation that springs from the rising inequality and unfairness that has been the raison detre of our government. And we’ve got used to it! The hypocricy of a slogan like ‘making work pay’ (well done that Spad) – so close to Arbeit macht frei’ – and meaning starve the needy off benefits, no longer shocks.

inequality of wealth and income
Make work pay?

If we want a better life for everyone we’d do well to aim for narrowing inequality, implementing the circular economy[2], and recognising that the ‘developed’ world is about as developed as it needs to be. Can you see any sign that the UK government (I won’t even mention the US government) is heading in the right direction? Read more at https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/188607/the-inner-level/#KRFlTqxIVujgfuU5.99

[1] Almost all of the underpinning for this writing comes from The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, Penguin Books, 2010 and the Equality Trust (https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk). Look out for “The Inner Level – How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity and Improve Everyone’s Wellbeing” their follow-up published this month.

[2] Looking beyond the current “take, make and dispose” extractive industrial model, the circular economy is restorative and regenerative by design. Relying on system-wide innovation, it aims to redefine products and services to design waste out, while minimising negative impacts. Underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources, the circular model builds economic, natural and social capital. See the Ellen McArthur Foundation for more: https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/circular-economy

The Precautionary Principle – great theory, lousy practice.

What happens when the Precautionary Principle collides with ‘the Market’? Here’s a clue: the wheels don’t come off the Market bus.

The Precautionary Principle is a brilliant idea. If you’re old enough you may remember the early days of computers when, after hours of word-processing input, the very large and very slow p.c. would freeze. After trying every key you could think of to no effect, in the end you pressed delete and lost it all – no warning, no back-up, no ‘Are you sure?’ No Siri to help, just a day’s work lost.

The Precautionary Principle is supposed to stop us pressing delete when to do so might threaten a lot more than a day’s work. ‘Might’ is the big word here. We don’t have to be sure it’s the wrong thing to do, we just have to have sufficient doubt. And then there’s this thing called ‘corporate might’.

Here’s a definition of the Principle:

When human activities may lead to morally unacceptable harm that is scientifically plausible but uncertain, actions shall be taken to avoid or diminish that harm. Morally unacceptable harm refers to harm to humans or the environment that is:
*        threatening to human life or health, or
*       serious and effectively irreversible, or
*       inequitable to present or future generations, or
*       imposed without adequate consideration of the human rights of those affected.

Source: UNESCO COMEST report The Precautionary Principle

In theory the principle operates in almost all spheres. In medicine for example there is an ancient principle of ‘First do no harm’ which seems to be a pretty good starting point. In an environmental context, where it might be thought the precautionary principle offered vital protection, it is backed up by the ‘understanding’ that ‘the polluter pays’. So it’s a great theoretical underpinning to human activity in areas as diverse as farming, medicine, commerce, science and ……. Armegeddon.

How does it work in practice? Well, it’s hard to come up with a useful measure of the principle’s application but, if I say,

“it’s as effective as the UK’s Brexit negotiating team was!”

The UK team had fewer notes than the EU one (but seemed not to be very bovered!) PA Images

you’ll get a general idea of how good a shield it provides against leaping without looking.

A couple of examples (from many):

  • 1) over 30 years after Bhopal adequate compensation was still being pursued by victims and their relatives. Union Carbide claimed 3,800 people died. Survivors and ICJB (International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal) conservatively claim at least 8,000 died in the first week.
People look awfully alike when they’re dead, but each of these people once had a name, a face, a life, a family. (ICJB)
Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5312363

I could ……….. point out how long and hard ExxonMobil has fought (successfully) to reduce fines and avoid payment while enjoying record profits. It’s the cost of doing business, written off, while they drag things along for decades with appeals and backroom deals.

Kate McLaughlin, Anchorage Daily News, March 18, 2015, Updated: June 29, 2016

What could possibly explain the gulf between principle and practice? Well, it’s a bit of a tenuous link but I think it might have something to do with money. What gets in the way might just be the targets identified within CEOs’ and senior managers’ pay and remuneration packages, which, I’m guessing, highlight short and medium-term performance related to growth and profits. Who gets a bonus for prioritising possible consequences above profits? Nobody gets rich saving the planet do they? which is a pity because, if they did we’d not have a great deal to worry about.

precautionary principle my a***
Global Warming and Going Green – Randy Glasbergen

Off the top of my head I came up with some of the areas where the principle should be making a difference – they’re scaled up from ‘look both ways before you cross the road’ which is one of the few areas where we generally get it right:

  •       antibiotics,
  •       nano technology,
  •       genetically modified organisms and systemic insecticides,
  •       gambling,
  •       alcohol consumption,
  •       mining and fracking,
  •       logging,
  •       sugar levels in food,
  •       plastics,
  •       air quality,
  •       housing,
  •       global warming,
  •       education,
  •       privatisation………
Oh my goodness!

Anyone can build a much bigger list in five minutes and fill a side of A4 in, say, half an hour.

We might expect that science and research would inform practice when the stakes are high and that our governments would legislate when there is, not just a possibility of damage, but hard evidence of damage. Why doesn’t it work like that?

Well in the UK we have a government that believes that it is much better to encourage business to voluntarily address areas identified as of concern; they are committed to ‘working in partnership’, not to requiring or legislating to ensure compliance. This is an article of faith for the Conservative party which, entirely co-incidentally, is largely funded by business and intensively lobbied whenever legislation is mooted. This week it transpired that

‘One in 10 Tory peers have given more than £100,000 to party’ – 27 members of House of Lords have donated almost £50m in total to Conservatives’

Guardian 29.12.22

There was a slightly different approach from new-old labour under Jeremy Corbyn and is now from new-new labour under Kier. The ‘spawn of Satan’ EU also lacked faith in the benign intentions of the private sector. Hence the EU is condemned by the Daily Wail and the rest for its suffocating bureaucracy and new-old and new-new for being in the pay of the commies or in hock to union barons (as opposed I guess to Tory barons as above. I expect that’s different though…)

In the US, when it was Trumpworld and all great again, all bets were off. Trump appointees to federal agencies seem to be carefully chosen to disable any protection for the public or the environment – ‘Let it rip’ was the administration (surely not the right world for Trump’s White House) approach to everything from mining, big oil, nuclear war and too many Big Macs. If you haven’t seen it, have a look at the clip of Trump’s Environmental nominee Kathleen Hartnett White explaining her credentials to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

Under Biden and the woke democrats all sorts of terrible rowing back which can only damage the ‘good old USofA’ has been allowed. Biden ‘even’ appointed Deb Haaland to lead the Department of the Interior, making her the first ever Native American Cabinet Secretary, and Mohegan Indian Tribe Lifetime Chief Marilynn Malerba as U.S. Treasurer, the first time a Native woman’s signature will appear on U.S. currency. Imagine appointing people who have real experience of the issues to government posts. And it is quite hard to argue that Native Americans aren’t really American though I expect there’ll be no shortage of people trying..

But, to return to Westminster, how do voluntary codes work in the UK? Here’s an example.


The government line on alcohol consumption is that minimum pricing would penalise the vast majority who, like themselves are sensible social drinkers. Oddly, Scotland, where they know a thing or two about alcohol consumption, has taken a different line and gone for minimum pricing. In England we have ‘Drinkaware’ (a charity largely funded by UK alcohol producers, retailers and supermarkets) as our secret weapon against alcohol abuse, coupled with savage cuts in education and support programmes available to ‘problem drinkers’. Essentially we provide milder warnings about the danger of alcohol than we get when we buy a new electric toaster.

Toasters, by the way, are estimated to cause around 700 deaths world-wide a year. There is some evidence that this statesmanlike approach, which essentially assumes that business is benign and always has the public good at heart, is not hugely effective. For example:

Alcohol is estimated to cost the NHS around £3.5bn per year, which amounts to £120 for every taxpayer, ( HSCIC). Overall, treating alcohol-related conditions costs the NHS about 3.6% of its annual budget. The total cost of alcohol harm to society is estimated to be much higher, if the direct healthcare costs are combined with those of crime and lost productivity in the workplace.

£3.5bn is a tad more than is contributed to the Conservative Party by brewing and distilling companies. It’s not that easy to get a full picture of how much is given to political parties and by whom; a list of individual donors is quite revealing but hardly a complete picture. What is a fair bet though is that donors are buying a bit more than the chance of a knighthood. Essentially, not doing more to control the sale and consumption of alcohol is costing £3.5bn but benefiting the current party in government, which, of course, consists entirely of social drinkers.

There were 3,744 drug related deaths in England and Wales in 2016 according to the ONS. There were 7,327 alcohol-specific deaths in the UK in the same year. So maybe it’s time the voluntary approach was applied to the illegal drugs ‘industry’ as long as it results in an increased contribution to you know who?

Beer Street and Gin Lane, William Hogarth

What is it about industry and commerce that drives it to buy off politicians rather than ensuring that they ‘first do no harm’?

Well the defined duties of company directors in the UK seem to require more obligations than just ‘chase the money’. The relevant duty is to Promote the success of the company.

This requires directors to have regard to (my bold):

  • the likely consequences of any decision in the long term
  • the interests of the company’s employees
  • the need to foster the company’s business relationships with suppliers, customers and others
  • the impact of the company’s operations on the community and the environment
  • the desirability of the company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct
  • the need to act fairly as between members of the company.

It’s worth repeating this I think:

Who gets a bonus for prioritising possible consequences above profits? Nobody gets rich saving the planet do they? which is a pity because, if they did we’d not have a great deal to worry about.

Let’s look at two more items in the list: it could be any there but I’ve gone for antibiotics and sugar, just to underline how generalised the problem is.

  1. Antibiotics: Most of us are now aware of the dangers associated with the widespread, inappropriate over-prescription of antibiotics. Infections are becoming antibiotic resistant and diseases we thought we had under control are becoming difficult to treat. In the UK health professionals have recognised, and are tackling, the problem. Some of the resistance though is developed when farmed animals are treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are routinely given to whole flocks and herds to prevent the onset of disease rather than to treat disease. Up to ¾ of the total consumption of antibiotics is by animals rather than humans. Here’s a cheerful quote for you:

“Chickens for sale in Britain’s supermarkets are showing record levels of superbugs resistant to some of the strongest antibiotics, research from the government has found.”

Guardian 16.1.18, pp6

Why have antibiotics been overused and abused? It’s not really because GPs are a soft touch and patients want something to make them better now. It’s because it’s really hard to sell an obviously sick chicken and it’s expensive to keep them in conditions that mean they don’t get sick. We want cheap food and there’s a photoshopped friendly, ruddy-cheeked farmer somewhere in the world who is happy to provide it.

When antibiotics stop working so will a lot of us.

The WHO tells us antibiotic resistance can spread rapidly among herds and flocks and can also be spread by the consumption of affected food products. In the US, where farming is even more industrialised than in the UK, antibiotics seem to be used more frequently and in far larger doses. According to the Guardian (8.2.18) beef cattle get between nine and sixteen times the dose of antibiotics given in the UK; US beef imports are banned in Europe at the moment because of the free use of growth hormones on US ‘farms’. Trump’s Undersecretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs was ”sick and tired” of hearing UK concerns about chlorinated chicken and US food standards. Roll on a post-Brexit trade deal with the US which should help bacteria to take back control. And, if you’re visiting the US at all, it might be worth taking sarnies and bottled water just to be on the safe side.

“According to US-Food standards this fruit is very healthy, dear!”

2) Sugar: When I was in my twenties a fairly regular contributor to Radio 4 in the mornings was John Yudkin. He warned of the danger to health of refined white sugar. He was treated with some condescension and regarded as eccentric. Generally, ‘to ensure balance’ he was opposed by someone from the sugar industry. So, on one side:

a disinterested scientist raising what turned out to be wholly justified concerns (diabetes treatment now costs the health service an estimated £14 billion a year, with the cost of treating complications representing the much higher cost. The prevalence of diabetes is estimated to rise to 4 million by 2025.) Diabetes.co.uk

and on the other:

the corporate sugar lobby.

He had this thing about sugar. He kept on saying it was bad for us. This was not popular with the food industry. It preferred fat to be the culprit and developed lots of low-fat products which we are still consuming; low in fat but high in sugar.

Instead of laying the blame at the door of fat, John Yudkin claimed there was a much clearer correlation between the rise in heart disease and a rise in the consumption of sugar. Rodents, chickens, rabbits, pigs and students fed sugar and carbohydrates, he said, invariably showed raised blood levels of triglycerides (a technical term for fat), which was then, as now, considered a risk factor for heart disease. Sugar also raised insulin levels, linking it directly to type 2 diabetes. The British Sugar Bureau put out a press release dismissing Yudkin’s claims as “emotional assertions” and the World Sugar Research Organisation described his book as “science fiction”.

Julia Llewellyn Smith, Daily Telegraph, 17 Feb 2014

Yudkin was “uninvited” to international conferences. Others he organised were cancelled at the last minute, after pressure from sponsors, including, on one occasion, Coca-Cola. When he did contribute, papers he gave attacking sugar were omitted from publications. The British Nutrition Foundation, one of whose sponsors was Tate & Lyle, never invited anyone from Yudkin’s internationally acclaimed department to sit on its committees.

Today, ‘Action on Sugar’ stresses the importance of protecting children from this “public health hazard” and calls for the food industry to “immediately reduce the amount of sugar that they are adding, particularly to children’s foods, and stop targeting children with massive advertising for high-calorie snacks and soft drinks”. ‘Action on Sugar’ is supported by 18 expert advisers. Its chairman is Professor Graham MacGregor, professor of cardiovascular medicine at the Wolfson Institute, Queen Mary University of London.

You can find a more detailed account here (Julia Llewellyn Smith, Daily Telegraph, 17 Feb 2014) .

So here we are:

  • we’ve got plastic in our seafood, not least because makeup just didn’t do it without microbeads;
  • we’ve got neonicotinoids in our honey because the likes of Monsanto say they really don’t hurt us (if you want to get a real feel for agrochemical industry’s approach to the precautionary principle have a look at the Monsanto site: “ Seed treatments like neonicotinoids can actually help bees.”;
  • we’ve got tower blocks clad in combustible materials;
  • we’re into the sixth mass extinction event.

Fortunately, we’re the most intelligent species on the planet and our government  is on the case. Why doesn’t that reassure me? Here’s one reason – it’s called Brexit; this is what the Telegraph suggested was needed post-Brexit:

“Cut the EU red tape choking Britain after Brexit to set the country free from the shackles of Brussels

Today, the Telegraph calls on the Conservative Party to promise a bonfire of EU red tape in its 2020 manifesto to put Britain on a radically different course.”

We must lose no time in getting rid of regulations, Lord Lawson said  CREDIT: JASON ALDEN/BLOOMBERG

The Cameron/Osborne (oh yes and that nice Nick Clegg) led UK coalition government of 2010 followed the usual Conservative route of having a ‘bonfire of red tape’ and espousing austerity. As a result, today we live with the tragic legacy of Grenfell1 and public services such as health close to total collapse: and still UK government free marketeers plead for deregulation, a dash for growth and tax cuts made on the back of reduced public spending.

Bhopal, Exxon Valdez and a whole terrible load of other un-natural disasters tell us that businesses competing in world markets cut corners and take risks to turn a profit, because if they don’t someone else will; we really don’t need less red-tape do we? we need more..

  1. On 14 June 2017, a high-rise fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block of flats in North Kensington, West London, at 00:54 BST and burned for 60 hours. 72 people died, two later in hospital, with more than 70 injured and 223 escaping. It was the deadliest structural fire in the United Kingdom since the 1988 Piper Alpha oil-platform disaster and the worst UK residential fire since World War II…..The fire was started by an electrical fault in a refrigerator on the fourth floor. This spread rapidly up the building’s exterior, bringing flame and smoke to all residential floors, accelerated by dangerously combustible aluminium composite cladding and external insulation, with an air gap between them enabling the stack effect.

You won’t find Springsteen’s home town in a Christmas Movie

Are you a Christmas movie watcher? I didn’t say fan mind, just watcher, or in my case, addict. There are two or three on every day for weeks before Christmas. If you’re in full-time work they may have passed you by. If you watch them they may still pass you by because they’re not deep. They serve to confirm illusions, in this case illusions about Christmas and about the good old U.S. of A. They’re about as safe a way to waste time as you can think of – a cinematic Mills and Boon; if you want a yardstick, they make ‘Love Actually’ seem like particularly gruesome scandi-noir. Hallmark make the best (is that the right epithet?) ones, with titles such as ‘Rocky Mountain Christmas’, ‘Romance at Reindeer Lodge’ and ‘Christmas Encore’.

There are stock characters and stock situations which are deeply comforting for we viewers as the wheels come off the world.

So I’ve been watching and found their predictability strangely comforting until one day I slipped back into consciousness and realized that it wasn’t just the plots that were the attraction but the whole world the plots plodded through and, to put it bluntly, there’s something not quite right about Christmas Movie World which might make it a close cousin of Trumpworld. Continue reading You won’t find Springsteen’s home town in a Christmas Movie

Little by Little by Little…or When it’s gone it’s gone.

When our consciences are pricked by our ‘pull the shutters down’ response to population movements resulting from famine, war, natural disaster or those pesky migrants who just want to better themselves and build a better life for their children (AKA economic migrants…well at least the poor ones), it’s because we want to believe we’re better than we are.

In fact the 21st century response is pretty well the same as earlier ones. The historic response to large scale population movements has usually been violence and repression springing from fear and suspicion of difference, of ‘the other’, whether it be religion, colour, language or anything else we can spot.

There have been, and still are, exceptions of course, many at the level of individual conscience and action and some on a larger scale. In the UK we still remember the kinder transport which brought 10,000 Jewish children to the UK before the outbreak of war, a magnificent gesture in the context of the times and by comparison with other countries. Perhaps we should not be surprised though that some of the children were ill-treated and exploited when they came –  anti-semitism was not unique to Germany or, come to that, the 20th century (see  https://tiredandemotional.org.uk/us-and-them).

However, despite separation, alienation, the internment of many as enemy aliens and all the rest, the 10,000 were profoundly grateful to the UK. Of course we didn’t accept 10,000 sets of parents, many of whom consequently endured and then died in the Shoah.

Attitudes and policies to incomers can shift very quickly, particularly if fires are stoked by right wing politicians and media. France in the 1930s had a huge number of foreign workers and families. The First War had taken a huge toll of adult males1. By 1934 a combination of France’s need for labour, repression and anti-semitism in eastern Europe, and the rise of Nazism in Germany and Austria had brought over three million foreign workers to France.

In 1939 the Spanish Civil War ended in Republican defeat. Approaching  340,000 refugees crossed the Pyrenees into France2. Most of them walked! It’s been described as ‘the greatest movement of people in this part of Europe since the expulsion of Arabs and Jews from Spain in 1492′3.
The French response was punitive. Refugees were herded into concentration camps, where conditions were brutal. The camps also came in useful pre-war when communists and anti-Nazi Germans living in France were detained.

French citizenship, had been granted freely under 1927 legislation until the inevitable backlash following defeat in 1940. Following the Franco-German armistice the same camps and new ones held Jews, Gypsies and dissidents.  The new Vichy regime ‘withdrew’ citizenship from 15,000 foreigners, including 6,000 Jews. Foreign Jews were rounded up, detained and sent to German forced labour or extermination camps by the Vichy regime long before the German authorities occupied and ‘governed’ Vichy.

When things get tough most of us look for difference not common cause.

Here’s another example to depress us all:

In 1947 Indian independence involved partition and massive population exchanges occurred between the two newly formed states.

Once the lines were established, about 14.5 million people crossed the borders to what they hoped was the relative safety of religious majority. 6.5 million Muslims moved from India to West Pakistan, and 4.7 million Hindus and Sikhs moved from West Pakistan to India. 2.6 million moved from East Pakistan to India and 0.7 million moved from India to East Pakistan (now Bangladesh. The newly formed governments were completely unequipped to deal with migrations of such staggering magnitude, and massive violence and slaughter occurred on both sides of the border. Estimates of the number of deaths vary, with low estimates at 200,000 and high estimates at 2,000,0004.

A crowd of Muslims at the Old Fort (Purana Qila) in Delhi, which had been converted into a vast camp for Muslim refugees waiting to be transported to Pakistan. Manchester Guardian, 27 September 1947.

It’s not always the migrants who suffer the most though. If the numbers are right migrants can do pretty well and it’s the indigenous population that gets screwed, or, more accurately, killed. Have a look at:  http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/358040.Rivers_of_Blood_Rivers_of_Gold, or

In the 19th century, over 50 million people left Europe for the Americas. The local populations or tribes in North America, Brazil, and Argentina were usually outnumbered and overwhelmed by the settlers. There were a few exceptions when ‘the white man’s’ arrogance and conceit  gave a whole new meaning to tragic hubris – Isandlwana in South Africa and the Big Horn in the United States spring to mind.  In the US national myths such as the plucky pioneer families trekking to the promised land and fighting off primitive savages, served to justify the near extermination of native Americans and the ruthless exploitation of natural resources by east-coast corporations. Pastoral people were herded onto reservations because they were in the way and there was

‘gold in them thar (sacred) hills’.

If they wouldn’t go or left again because they faced starvation, they were termed hostiles and hunted down by frequently drunken ambassadors of western and Western civilisation like Custer’s Seventh cavalry5. The 7th attempted to surprise and destroy what seemed to be a sizeable (and peaceful) settlement and, not realising it continued out of sight round the river bend, blundered into the largest native American camp ever seen and were annihilated.

The 7th weren’t seasoned ‘Indian fighters’ – 40% of the 7th were born outside the US6. Places like England, Ireland, Italy, or Germany. Most of the rest had grown up east of the Mississippi. They looked good though. Horses were allocated to troops on the basis of colour so that they looked the part when they rode out and generally, though not in this case, Custer took the band along to play as the 7th charged.

Nowadays it’s fashionable again to focus on difference, as the right and far right are empowered by Brexit in England and Northern Ireland and Trump in the US. In the UK, as almost a matter of course, married couples are separated if one of them is foreign unless they both leave the country; see, for example, the Guardian of:

28.12.16, “Dutch woman with two British children told to leave UK after 24 years”,
28.2.17, “Outcry as grandmother deported after decades in Britain”,
1.3.17, “We can’t risk family being split by Brexit.”,
2.3.17, “Britain among worst in Europe for dealing with asylum seekers.”,
yesterday or next week.

Apparently the Home Office feels that exiled spouses can communicate via Skype, email or letter writing and don’t need to be physically close – yet more proof that the habit of sending small children away to boarding school leads to very serious attachment disorders and empathy deficits in the higher ranks of the civil service or government. Still, they’re only running the country.

In a ‘post-truth’ world reasoned argument supported by evidence may not carry the day. Here’s an observation of one politician’s electioneering technique; guess who it is: …

he advanced no coherent policies, merely a rag-tag of emotional appeals.

One supporter wrote:

I’m delighted at *******’s lack of a programme for a programme is either lies, weakness or designed to catch silly birds. Strength acts from the necessity of a serious situation and can’t allow itself to be bound7.

Here’s another quote which resonates with me because it seems to capture exactly our government’s approach to leaving the EU.

A… Government interested only in stoking-up endless constitutional grievance and furthering their obsession with independence, at the expense of ….  public services like the NHS and education, ….given a free pass by Labour8.

Small steps can take us to the precipice as easily as giant ones. Traditionally in the West, the far right don’t storm into power and change everything in a moment. Even Trump seems to have decided it might take more than a few weeks to get back to the 1950s. Instead right-wing governments nibble away at rights and freedoms a little at a time, citing internal and external dangers in justification (think Turkey or Poland).  What they do is not always popular but few would take to the streets these days for relatively minor changes. Heavy focusing of blame on outsiders shifts blame away from government until it’s too late to protest or object legally.

So here we are, in the month Article 50 will be triggered, increasingly looking down the wrong end of a telescope at a smaller and narrower world. We’re a million miles away from pre-war Germany, though the values and attitudes found in places like Yarls Wood Immigrant Detention Centre should make anyone uneasy. This is what their website says:

We focus on decency and respect in all aspects of care for our residents and use continuous innovation to further improve and develop our service.

and these are some of their Wikipedia entry section headings:

February 2002 fire
Hunger strikes
Sexual abuse
Detention of children
Inquiries into provision at Yarl’s Wood

The UK is not in danger of becoming the 4th Reich any time soon – it’s the direction of travel that worries me.

New leader of the free world denies telling the truth then claims it was slip of the tongue if it did happen


To paraphrase ‘The Man who Shot Liberty Valance?‘  “when the lie becomes more attractive than fact, vote Trump.” As with almost everything from computers to right wing lunacy, we can proudly claim that Brits chose lies first with our Brexit vote, but, again as with almost everything, Americans did it bigger.

So we will have a new, red-blooded (and very possibly unhinged) man in the White House. Trump, his  supporters apparently believe, has what it takes to tackle U.S. and world (now to be known as ‘Trumpworld inc.’) problems fearlessly and really ‘tell it like it is’. They think he’s going to make things better. Everyone else, i.e. the majority of American voters and  everyone else in Trumpworld,  except Putin and Farage, is plain old frit.

Here are some examples which give an indication of the new Pres’s Trumpworld view: we should all get the hang of this stuff because he’s a tad scary when he thinks we don’t agree with him and doesn’t understand why the US would have nuclear weapons and not use them. So fix these pithy ideas (is that the right word for Trump’s thoughts?) in your mind.

He’s got a big willy. We know because he told us:

“Look at those hands, are they small hands?” Trump said, raising them for viewers to see. “And, he referred to my hands — ‘if they’re small, something else must be small.’ I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee.”

Global warming is a scam.

Global warming, AKA climate change, (renamed, he says, because it wasn’t getting warmer so ‘they’ had to call it something else), is a lie invented to benefit Chinese Industry. He tweeted in 2012 that

“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.”

Here’s more of his tweeting:

“It’s late in July and it is really cold outside in New York. Where the hell is GLOBAL WARMING??? We need some fast! It’s now CLIMATE CHANGE.”

“Record setting cold and snow, ice caps massive! The only global warming we should fear is that caused by nuclear weapons – incompetent pols.”

“Windmills are the greatest threat in the US to both bald and golden eagles. Media claims fictional ‘global warming’ is worse.”

“NBC News just called it the great freeze – coldest weather in years. Is our country still spending money on the GLOBAL WARMING HOAX?”

And here’s one great response:

“When it comes to global warming, I’ll trust the world’s scientists. If I need help filing bankruptcy I’ll listen to you.”

This could be a very long list of Trump’s beliefs but I’ll stop here. Should we be bovvered? Was he just kidding? Well, he’s appointing his family,  friends and other scary people to key roles. Steve Bannon as Chief Strategist for example, will help him run Trumpworld. According to S.E. Cupp (author of “Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack on Christianity,” co-author of “Why You’re Wrong About the Right” and a columnist at the New York Daily News) Bannon’s website is rife with bigoted, anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynist content. No wonder the Pres. likes him.

Not to worry, maybe the Vice-President will be a restraining influence. That would be Mike Pence, who believes smoking doesn’t kill. Pence is pro-tobacco. I love the ‘reality check’ bit below:

“Time for a quick reality check.  Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill……..Two out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and nine out of 10 smokers do not contract lung cancer.” 

The Huffington Post’s feeble rebuttal of Pence’s  refreshing debunking of smoking myths resorted to science and data of all things:

“according to the American Cancer Society, cigarettes account for 30 percent of all cancer deaths and kill more Americans than alcohol, car accidents, HIV, guns and illegal drugs combined. Beyond cancer, smoking damages almost every organ in the body, including the lungs, heart, blood vessels, reproductive organs, mouth, skin, eyes and bones.”

Typical of the liberal elite to quote facts. But really, what have facts got to do with it?

Us and them

Well what a couple of weeks. Don’t know about you but I can’t wait to have Mrs Dale’s Diary back and get shot of that ridiculous new Archers nonsense. That was what the vote was about wasn’t it? We can take back control and return to worrying about Jim overworking and Captain going missing again…..Mrs Dale’s always got a lot on her plate……

The Archers – too trendy by far! (courtesy of the Radio Times)

Ah, the ‘good old days’ or back to the future.

Now we’ve got a woman, of all things, leading the Tory Party and the country; I’m not sure Mrs Dale would be too happy about that. Always remember, behind every great woman there’s a Dennis Thatcher. Still, Theresa May might be nasty but she has a sense of humour, hence the gift of death by a thousand gaffes for Boris as Foreign Secretary….and poor old Govey kicked into the very long grass..,…sob, sob. All this and an ageing Blair explaining that we were all quite wrong and sometimes leaders have to make tough decisions. If it looks like a megalomaniac, talks like a megalomaniac…..you know the rest.

us and them, Tony Blair
You’re all wrong!

Anyway, putting all that to one side (keep up; this is a fast moving piece), I’ve been reading a very long and frankly stodgy book about the early history of the Christian church and its attitude to, and persecution of,…well everyone else, but especially Jews, ‘Constantine’s Sword, the Church and the Jews’ by James Carrol.

The book traces a line from the Christian church’s teaching and treatment of the Jews to the Holocaust. I’ll try to summarise some key points. First a little-known fact….early Christians were Jews…and apparently, so was Jesus, although not according to Hollywood.

us and them, anti-semitism and brexit
Geoffrey Hunter as Christ in ‘King of Kings’,


It took a long, long time for non-Jews to be admitted to the Christian sect/church. It was good old St. Paul (plain Paul in those days) who persuaded the early Christians that gentiles should be admitted since God was inclusive, the god of all. Gentiles being gentiles they were soon taking over. Still Christianity might have limped along if it hadn’t been for politics. Constantine (Constantine the Great, also known as Constantine I or Saint Constantine, Conny to his friends), Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 AD, really let the cat among the pigeons (or do I mean out of the bag?)

us and them, Constantine's cat
Constantine’s cat looking for pigeons

by curtailing the right to worship any old, or lots of, god(s) by making Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. It wasn’t so much that he plumped for the wrong god – he could have chosen any from what was a pretty long list and had the same result. Using religion as a unifying force of empire prompted the creation of a formidable religio/political organisation, the Catholic (in the sense of all-embracing) Church.

So the church grew and transformed over time from a minor Jewish sect to a religion in its own right, largely due to Constantine and, quite early on, came to regard Judaism as a heretical religion. Jews wouldn’t accept Jesus as a deity, worse had crucified him and were therefore clearly guilty of ‘murdering’ the son of God. The, by then definitely non-Jewish, Catholic Church therefore took the view that Jews should be ‘preserved’ as witnesses to their crime and the truth of Christ. They should also be scattered and allowed to live but not thrive because of what they had done.

While, at times, in parts of Europe and even in Jerusalem, Moslems, Jews and Christians lived and worked together, collaborating in an atmosphere of great scholarship and creativity, for most of the pre-twentieth century the Church actively denigrated and persecuted Jews. The menu included forced conversion, public burning of holy books, forcing them to dress so that they might be instantly recognised, expelling them, killing them, or simply building ghettos within which to confine them. Does that sound at all familiar?

The Crusades, Christian ‘holy’ wars, triggered significant increases in Jewish persecution. While crusaders were notionally traveling across Europe to retake the Holy Land from Islam, they took the opportunity to attack Jewish communities along the way and large numbers of Jews, under the protection of the Church (as living witnesses to their crime remember) committed suicide or were killed rather than convert to the ‘true’ religion .

At times, of course, significant numbers of Jews did convert, but that didn’t fool the Church. It decided that they probably didn’t mean it and tortured them to prove it. Pope Boniface VIII decreed that every creature was a vassal of the Pope and Pope Pious IX claimed Papal infallibility. Who first made Jews wear a yellow star?…….. a Pope. The Church’s certainty about the rights and wrongs of all this came from the ‘fact’ that the Pope was God’s representative on Earth…well you can’t get a better source than that can you? Who gave the Pope that job description? Well the Pope did. I’m not sure he actually consulted God about it though.

I think that’s what is technically called a closed loop system.

Great debates between Jewish scholars and friars charged with converting the Jews might well be ‘won’ by the ‘wrong’ side but that didn’t matter, in fact it simply proved the devilish cunning of the Jew. Jews were blamed for outbreaks of plague though it scythed down its victims without reference to their religion. Jews were accused of sacrificing babies (the blood libel, which, ironically, may have arisen because of the sacrifice of Jewish children by their parents during Crusader raids on Jewish communities) and condemned for usury, lending money for profit. Jews were banned from all other ways of trading and, guess what?… Christians also practiced usury; it was forbidden by the Church but there you go.

Of course there were members of the Church who were appalled at all this, who protested and preached against the perversion of Christian values. Strangely, by and large they didn’t do well; many were burnt to death to show them and others the error of their ways. Those who zealously pursued the orthodoxy of Jewish guilt, degradation and punishment fared better, rising in the hierarchy and, as often as not, being sanctified.

This piece isn’t an anti-Catholic rant. Martin Luther, hardly a pillar of the Catholic Church, wrote ‘On the Jews and their Lies’ and in his last sermon before dieing he condemned Jews. On his death bed, having complained of chest pains, he said that Jews had ‘done this’ to him. 450 years later on Kristallnacht, Martin Sasse, the Lutheran bishop of Thuringia, celebrated that

‘On November 10th, 1938, on Luther’s birthday, the synagogues are burning in Germany.’

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Interior of Berlin’s Fasanenstrasse Synagogue, opened in 1912, after it was set on fire during Kristallnacht on November 9, 1938. From ‘Hitler’s War Against the Jews’ (1975) by Lucy Dawidowicz, p. 61.

It’s not an anti-church rant either. Karl Marx agreed with Luther. His first significant essay was ‘On the Jewish Question’ in which he wrote:

‘Money is the jealous god of Israel, besides which no other god may exist.’

Marx’s ancestors were devout Jews and some were Rabbis. To all intents and purposes the Communist Manifesto simply replaced the word ‘Jews’ in his first published essay with the word ‘capitalists’.

Or, if you want a free thinker, try Voltaire:

‘Jews are, all of them born with a raging fanaticism in their hearts…….. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.’

Why is this history of religious intolerance and persecution worth writing about? For me it’s because history isn’t dead and may repeat itself not as farce but as a tragic loop.

‘Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.’
George Santayana (18631952)

Interestingly, Santayana also said:

‘Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim.’

which neatly sums up what happened to a minor Jewish sect which got above itself ……..with terrible consequences.

Humans are intelligent pack animals banding together against ‘the other’ pack animals – that’s what we are programmed to do. Have a look at the Milligram experiment findings in an earlier blog if you need convincing:

Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. ……….when they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.
Stanley Milgram, 1974

We are all captives of our culture and upbringing and, the more we close in on ourselves and emphasise difference, the narrower and more bigoted our world will be.

That’s why Brexit frightens me. The EU referendum campaign was more like American politics than anything we’ve seen before. Experts were derided, lies told wholesale, promises made which could never be kept, and truth flatly denied, all to gain a result. As O’Nora Oneill put it:

‘A bonfire of accusation and name calling, of back-stabbing and ambition’

Sure we’ll all be poorer and the world less safe but the rise of the politician as bigot and liar, sneering at the poor and disadvantaged and actively working to make their lives more miserable so that we can all feel better if we’re on the inside…that really is the worst damage. I was raised a Christian but given no knowledge of the history of my religion or the crimes committed in its name. I was taught that we stood alone during the Second World War and pretty well saved the world from, and for, Johny Foreigner. Nobody mentioned that the 8th Army, the Desert Rats, was 25% British and 75% ‘imperial’; it contained soldiers from Australia, Britain, India, New Zealand, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Ceylon, Cyprus, the Gambia, the Gold Coast, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Palestine, Rodrigues, Sierra Leone, the Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanganyika, and Uganda. The 14th Army, which fought the Japanese in the far East, contained soldiers from India, Nepal, Kenya, Nigeria, Rhodesia, Somalia and, oh yes, England.

We seem to be shifting back to a world of us and them – hard-working families and the work-shy poor, immigrants and refugees (often conflated) and the English, faceless European bureaucrats and …..? We have rising anti-Semitism, rising hate crime and rising intolerance of others. Refugees are feared and abandoned to their fate, drowning in their hundreds or walking across Europe in desperate reverse children’s crusades.

Stephen Hawking had a piece in the Guardian recently which made the point:

If we fail (to collaborate) the forces that contributed to Brexit, the envy and isolationism not just in the UK but around the world that spring from not sharing, of cultures driven by a narrow definition of wealth and a failure to divide it more fairly, both within nations and across national borders, will strengthen. If that were to happen, I would not be optimistic about the long-term outlook for our species.

Or as Benjamin Franklin said:

“we must all hang together or most assuredly we will all hang separately”?

Another Fine Mess

laurel-hardy-5303177787_998ae3f6ff_bHere are two charities worth supporting: ACE (Aiding Conservation Through Education) a Cornish charity working in Uganda and Congo Action a British charity working in Kivu Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Both are on Facebook too.

Here’s why………….

I re-read ‘King Leopold’s Ghost[1]’ the other month and, not unusually, had to revisit one or two assumptions.  Leopold ‘owned’ the Belgium Congo through a ‘charitable’ company; the charity turned out to be called King Leopold too and the Congo turned out to have rubber trees as well as people – no contest then. It’s estimated that 10 million people died as recipients of Leopold’s charity and civilising influence.  ‘Pesky Belgians’ is not a bad initial response and Leopold is a notorious baddie.  Both responses are more or less right, if a tad narrow, because, eventually, Leopold was bought out by the Belgian government but the forced labour and deaths carried on.

It turns out though that it wasn’t just the Belgians.  The population loss in rubber-rich equatorial rain forest ‘owned’ by France is estimated to be around 50%, just like the Congo.  Refugees who fled the Congo to seek refuge in French territory ended up fleeing back again,  just as they are doing today in North Africa – liberty, equality and fraternity unless you were black.  20, 000 forced labourers died building a railway in French territory.  As (bad) luck would have it old King Leopold held lots of shares in French concession companies as well as in those operating in the Congo.  Every top-dog nation needed an empire so that native populations could be ‘civilised’ and christianised…oh yes, and killed. In German imperial territory, of an estimated 80, 000 Hereros in 1903, only 20, 000 landless refugees made it to 1906.  Around that time US troops killed 20000 ‘rebels’ in the Philippines and saw 200, 000 more die of war-related hunger and disease.  Britain went hell-for-leather in Australia (and elsewhere of course) killing aborigines (see ‘Rivers of Blood, Rivers of Gold: Europe’s Conquest of Indigenous Peoples’ by Mark Cocker or ‘What a piece of work is man – the politics of greed’.

Winners write history not losers.  A 1959 text for young Congolese soldiers studying to become NCOs “reveals how the Belgians by acts of heroism, managed to create this immense territory” Fighting the ‘Arab’ slavers – “in three years of sacrifice, perseverance and steadfast endurance, they brilliantly completed the most humanitarian campaign of the century, liberating the decimated and exploited peoples of this part of Africa.” After all, why should Arabs be allowed to decimate and exploit when Europeans could do it just as well.

What would be the impact of the scale of death, destruction and suffering wreaked on those ‘imperial territories’ be on a European country do you think? Well, the U.K. never recovered from the two twentieth century ‘world’ wars economically, materially, socially or culturally. Here’s the thing though: 10 million military personnel died in World War One, mainly a ‘lost’ generation of young men. For a measure of its impact on the survivors try reading ‘Testament of Youth‘, but only if you’re feeling particularly resilient. 6 million of those 10 million were on the Allied side (some victory then) of which 886, 939 were from the U.K.  About 7 million civilians died too. In World War Two 383, 800 UK and colony military personnel died with total military and civilian deaths estimated at around 60 million. So it seems odd to expect that equatorial Africa could bounce back when we’d taken all the rubber we needed. Around 10 million died in the Congo so that Leopold could get rich supplying rubber to the world.  It’s called ‘market forces’ – the drive to make money by adding value – whatever the cost.  It’s not about freedom or enterprise – it’s about greed, theft and exploitation.  One person’s free enterprise is another’s bounty for cutting off Congolese hands to prove death (1308 were delivered in one day to one District Commissioner).

Perhaps we should not therefore expect that those parts of the world which we:
  • conquered
  • annexed,
  • governed,
  • exploited
  • more than decimated
  • and………… eventually…………gave back to what was left of their native populations

will be stable, liberal and pro-western, especially when around half their populations died under our benign rule.

If ‘History is written by the victors’, as Churchill and others have claimed, perhaps we should remember that history isn’t over yet.

[1] King Leopold’s Ghost, Adam Hochschild, Papermac, 2000, London.

Brexit and ‘that vision thing’.

Brexit and that vision thingI thought it might be  interesting to compare the thoughts of the EU founding fathers with the, perhaps a tad less sophisticated, thinking of our government heroes and Brexit fans.

I know the EU isn't what it was meant to be and its failure to deal with a terrible humanitarian disaster shames most member states but, even so, the distance and difference should give little Englanders pause for thought.

“First they make us pay in our taxes for Greek olive groves, many of which probably don’t exist. Then they say we can’t dip our bread in olive oil in restaurants. We didn’t join the Common Market – betraying the New Zealanders and their butter – in order to be told when, where and how we must eat the olive oil we have been forced to subsidise.”

so said Nigel Barrage, ex-city banker and UKIP leader. In a mellower mood he had this to say:

“With thousands of Islamist terrorists exploiting the migrant crisis, we would be far safer outside of the EU. It is safer to vote to Leave the European Union and take back control of our borders. A vote to Remain is a vote for massively increased immigration into Britain. Britain must not be dragged into an EU common asylum system. Let’s Leave EU & take control of our borders.”

Boris Johnson, leader in waiting (he thought), said:

“leaving the EU would be like breaking out of jail….”

Mind you he also said:

“Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3.”

In 1963 Jean Monet, not English so obviously to be discounted, said:

“The common market was not set up simply to establish a better system of trade in goods, nor to create a new power. Our main objective was, and still is, to create a unified Europe and remove the spirit of domination from relations between countries and their peoples, which has several times brought the world close to destruction.”


“Making Europe is making peace.”

Robert Shuman (also not a Brit I'm afraid) said:

“We do not, nor shall we ever deny our country or forget the duties which we owe it. But above each homeland we recognise with increasing clarity the existence of a common good, superior to the national interest, a good in which the individual interests of our countries will meet and merge.”

And Geoffrey How (British but wet) said (my underlining):

“The sovereign nations of the European Community, sharing their sovereignty freely (…), are building for themselves a key role in the power politics of the coming century”.

Our p.m.,Diddy David,  said:

“There is no doubt in my mind that the only certainty of exit is uncertainty”

 Angela Merkel seems to have a slightly broader and more compassionate perspective - she said of the refugee crisis:

“I lived behind a fence for too long for me to now wish for those times to return.”

So there you go - the real choice is between narrow (and actually mistaken) self-interest with a whiff (or more) of racism, or the kind of moral leadership offered by Europeans a little more committed to social justice than England's finest. Put another way, would you rather live on an (admittedly large) American aircraft carrier and have unfettered government from the party that is privatising health, education, any thing else left in the public sector - and the ducks on the wall if you don't hide them soon - or see Tory social and economic policy and asset stripping moderated by Angela's Europe. I'm with David Hare:

“They claim to have rescued Britain from industrial chaos. But in fact Margaret Thatcher and her heirs have created a selfish and divided society in which politicians and the people regard each other with mutual contempt”, David Hare in the Guardian, 8.3.16

Vaclav Havel said this ……..but I wish I had.

“Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.”

Bitter Lake – the BBC as a subversive organisation

Bitter Lake is a film by Adam Curtis: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p02gyz6b/adam-curtis-bitter-lake. If the BBC did nothing else but make this available it would be worth the licence fee – I doubt you’ll ever see it on Sky, it’s not Rupe’s cup of tea. It’s described as:

“a new, adventurous and epic film that explains why the big stories that politicians tell us have become so simplified that we can’t really see the world any longer”.

The film claims ‘the west became a dangerous and destructive force in the world‘. Most of the content is home or handheld video footage and it covers the middle east from 1946 to today, takes in banking’s takeover of geopolitics, oil and the rest. That’s quite a spread.

In 1946 the US set up a little colony in Afghanistan to ‘improve’ the country. Why Afghanistan? you may ask, I did, then I looked at a map.


Gosh, it seems Afghanistan bordered the USSR. So the US established ‘Little America’, as it became known, to build huge irrigation projects to modernise and westernise Afghanistan. The resultant saline soil was perfect for poppy growing.

At home in Little America

Bitter Lake is intercut with lovely little scenes from ‘Carry on up the Khyber’ – hinting at farce repeating itself as history do you think?

Captain Keene: [news of the native revolt arrives] What do you intend to do, sir?
Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond: Do? Do? We’re British. We won’t do anything…
Major Shorthouse:…until it’s too late.
Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond: Exactly. That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said all day.

On the way the film takes in the US relationship with Iraq,  the development of  Wahhabi Islam and Iraq’s funding of Madrassas in Pakistan.

Culture clash doesn’t quite describe the west’s history of interference in the middle east. There’s a perfect image in the film where, as part of the coalition’s educational programme to persuade Afghanis of what they were missing, an extremely nice young british woman delivers a powerpoint lecture on conceptual art to a mixed group of Afghan men and women. Conceptual art is illustrated with a slide of a urinal – the first piece of conceptual art. She tells them the urinal was a political statement – the audience were probably quite familiar with political statements of another kind but not urinals. It’s fair to say the level of incomprehension on both sides was extreme.

Mutual incomprehension

The problem with seeing things as simplistically as right and wrong, good and bad (with us as the right and the good of course) is that it doesn’t keep us safe. Polarised views are dangerous – workshy/hard-working families, immigrant floods/refugees, free world/subjugated people, blacks/whites, jews/christians/moslems, Donald Trump/anyone else (except Palin!).

The US right seems to think if it could make the world in its image (and keep out migrants and arm school kids) we could all sleep at night. As President Regan said (and probably believed), We have it in our power to begin the world over again

I sometimes think many Americans are brought up to salute the flag and watch Fox News – the equivalent in the UK of learning to read from the Daily Mail. That’s unfair of course and, without exception, the Americans I’ve met have been extremely nice, polite and generous, like the soldier below. Most Americans never travel abroad we’re told, so their view of the world is bound to be an odd one.

After all the US is God’s own country which I guess is why you can’t become president without boasting about the country’s greatness, invoking a Christian God at every turn and having a very big bag of money to share out.

Nice People

Unfortunately, to stay safe, Americans have the largest military machine ever known and, of course, the right to carry arms. As a result:

  • the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world. http://www.countercurrents.org/lucas240407.htm
  • In order to defend its freedoms, at home it kills its own: 33,636 people died of gunshot in 2013 (that’s actually less than died from drugs or motor vehicles but still a tad high). http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/injury.htm The US population is around 320 million. Within the EU (population 508.2 million) approximately 6700 persons die each year as a result of gunshot wounds.
  • In October 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world, at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world’s population, it houses around 22 percent of the world’s prisoners.
Surely something isn’t working.

It’s understandable but unhelpful for the right in the UK to attack anyone who asks ‘how did we get to this?’ or worse, ‘Was it our (government’s) fault.’ It’s easy to attack Corbyn and others as weak on terror whenever they speculate on how we arrived here. The film Bitter Lake offers a pretty compelling explanation and you can still watch it.

Watch the film, it’s incredibly moving and disturbing. Make your own mind up.


Left-wing loonies every one of them!

An extraordinary open letter appeared in the Guardian on October 12th. Signatories included 12 retired judges, 102 QCs, 29 partners and directors, 24 law professors, 127 barristers, 24 solicitors and 23 law academics. It called on the government to do more to help the EU attempts to aid the refugees making their way to safer European shores. Specifically it called on government to do four things:

  • take a fair and proportionate share of refugees;
  • help establish safe and legal routes to the UK as well as the EU;
  • help establish safe and legal routes within the EU, including the UK;
  • help establish access to fair and thorough procedures to determine eligibility for international protection wherever it is sought.

Of course our more responsible journals were a tad discommoded and wasted no time in putting the truth out there:

Luvvies and lawyers should shut up about the Syrian …

www.telegraph.co.uk › News › World News › Middle East › Syria

Fury after judges tell Cameron to take MORE refugees



So this dastardly attempt to sway right-thinking Brits can can be safely ignored, thank goodness.

However, in what can only be seen as a conspiracy, another far left radical group then weighed in. Apparently in September 84 bishops signed a letter to our leader (Diddy David) asking him to increase the number of refugees we will take (over 5 years) from 20000 to 50000 and offering to mobilise the church in a national effort to provide accommodation. Government’s response to the crisis (and the letter,  which received a cursory acknowledgement) was described as ‘increasingly inadequate’. The bishops letter letter also had a four point plan (more evidence of conspiracy I think) and referenced this country’s ‘great tradition of sanctuary’, calling for a drawing together of ‘civic, corporate and government leadership to co-ordinate efforts and mobilize the nation as in times past’.

Fortunately our free press were on hand again:

Conservatives criticise bishops for attack on Syrian refugee …

www.telegraph.co.uk › News › Politics

“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce”?

The Second World War saw huge movements of displaced people fleeing conflict. We generally focus on local, that is British or, at best, European issues, but these movements took place on every continent. In Burma, for example, 600,000 people were displaced when the Japanese invaded and as many as 80,000 of them died (the total displaced across the world during the conflict is estimated as anything from 11 to 20 million. Of course that was wartime wasn’t it and this is different….. except……
Wars, conflict and persecution have forced more people than at any other time since records began to flee their homes and seek refuge and safety elsewhere, according to a new report from the UN refugee agency.

refugee graph
UNHCR’s 2014 Global Trends Report: World at War said that worldwide displacement was at the highest level ever recorded. The number of people forcibly displaced at the end of 2014 had risen to a staggering 59.5 million compared to 51.2 million a year earlier and 37.5 million a decade ago. In 1945 the world population was around 2.3 billion compared with 7+ billion now so we have proportionately as many refugees world-wide now as we did then but not much sign of the kind of efforts seen then to address the problem.

Globally, one in every 122 humans is now either a refugee, internally displaced, or seeking asylum. If this were the population of a country, it would be the world’s 24th biggest.
UNHCR, June 18 2014

Media reports now in the UK are focusing on a hardening of attitudes in countries like Germany, and that allows our benighted government, smugly looking on from the sidelines, to think they got it right. I suppose they did, as long as we are able to ignore the terror, pain and suffering of those the UK government has elected not to shelter. Our leader calculates that his refusal to join an EU-wide initiative will prove a useful demonstration that he is someone who cannot be bossed by Europe and spike UKIP’s guns more effectively than poor old Teresa managed to do in her conference address (described as ‘thoroughly chilling’ by the Refugee Council and ‘irresponsible’ by the Institute of Directors (another looney-left group).

There was plenty of bigotry and racism around in the 1940s as a glance at the Mass Observation Archive will quickly reveal (try ‘Private Battles, how the war nearly defeated us‘) and there’s plenty of evidence in on-line threads on the current crisis to show those qualities are still around (e.g. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/refugee-crisis-governments-inadequate-response-attacked-by-church-of-england-a6699166.html).

Best to leave the last word to actor Juliet Stevenson:

‘History will judge us and our response to this crisis. Many people feel ashamed to be in a country where we say we will only take 20,000 over five years….your house is being bombed this week, you are living in a refugee camp where typhoid is rife – it is no good to say we will come back in five years.’

What next now we’ve got a socialist leading the labour party?

You might find the answer in ‘A Very British Ending by Edward Wilson (Arcadia Books, 2015). The extent to which you’ll find the book convincing will depend on your age, memory and whether you buy conspiracy theories or not.  It’s about a left-wing labour prime-minister targetted by UK and US establishment interests and our secret service – seems pretty convincing to me!

corbyn1_3343657bTo be sure Jeremy will be blitzed by most of the British media  and smeared from here to Moscow, I mean just look at that hat for God’s sake! Obviously a commie enemy of freedom and the ‘American way!’

Interested parties will foment splits within the labour party too – that’s only to be expected. But I wonder how dirty it’s going to get.  I’m not sure what a Democrat-led US government will do about it let alone Donald Trump (pardon me) and the looney right.  After all there is a lot at stake; if we’re not careful we’ll find ourselves living in a country where ordinary people influence government and have a say in policy – that’s dangerously like some kind of, some kind of…what’s the word…… democracy.  I’m not totally sure either that ‘Diddy David’ (Cammo to his friends),  is as happy as he claims about the Labour Party committing suicide by electing a mad scientist……. sorry mad socialist leader who will destroy the economy, enslave hard-working families and sell us to Putin. If he practices looking like everyone’s favourite uncle (see below) it might be the beginning of the party not the end of the Party!


Learning from History – do we need another war or maybe just a change of government?

By chance the other day I took out from the  Morrab Library an old book by Mavis Nicholson called ‘What did you do in the war Mummy?’

WhatdidyoudoetcThe book carries two key messages (three if you include the class distinction which permeates its stories):

  • the first is that the war liberated many women from their expected roles and places as dutiful daughters then (house)wives and mothers and allowed them to go on post-war to achieve extraordinary things;
  • the second is that some women, like some men, displayed extraordinary courage and endurance (if you only read one piece read ‘Odette Hallowes, a different kind of courage’).

Odette, who took eight years to physically recover from the torture inflicted on her in Ravensbruck so that she was able to walk again,  said of women:

“……I believe in women. I have seen women and I admire their courage. I’ve seen women in such desperate situations, reduced in so many ways, and still proud….It’s only men who don’t want to know. They are frightened of women……They know very well that in different ways women are as courageous as they are.”

The same book had a chapter on the wartime experience of Helen Bamber and had something to say which, seventy years later,  seems totally relevant. In 1945, at the age of 20,  Helen Bamber volunteered to help survivors of the concentration camps.  She worked in Bergen-Belsen for two years.

Later, she chaired the British section’s of Amnesty International’s first medical group and in 1985, founded the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture (now known as Freedom From Torture).

In 2005, aged 80, she co-founded the Helen Bamber Foundation which had a broader remit,  including not only torture survivors, but those who had suffered other forms of human rights violations, including those brutalised by criminal gangs, trafficked for labour or sexual exploitation or kept as slaves by profiteers or families, who often sought international protection but continued to be dehumanised as liars, cheats or asylum seekers.

(Biographical details from The Guardian Obituary, Sunday 24 August 2014)

Helen Bamber died in 2014.

She said this about working with concentration camp survivors:

“I…realised that it didn’t matter that I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t take away the horror. What did matter was to listen, to hold them as they rocked backwards and forwards, to receive the horror so that they did not hold it alone, to hold it with them.”

and she said this about official attitudes to the survivors:

“When Belsen was first liberated by the British Army, there was an atmosphere first of horror and disbelief, turning into compassion and anger. But as time went on compassion turned to irritation…they were seen as a nuisance, as is so often the case with present survivors of man-made catastrophes.”

Echoes of the migrants ‘swarming’ at Calais would you say? How have we come to this place, where we have a government committed to spending any amount of aid money to keep refugees out but refusing to play any part in a Europe-wide strategy to give sanctuary and care to dispossessed, hungry, frightened and, yes vocal, refugees? Germany is now the moral, as well as the economic, leader of Europe, while our government focuses on keeping refugees out and labelling them economic migrants in much the same way they have labelled the working and non-working poor as responsible for their own misfortune.  During the last war London was full of people of every nationality and they were welcomed,  poor or not.  In fact having money rather than being poor was a  cause of Anglo-US friction – “Over -paid, over-sexed and over here”.

The 8th Army, that’s the Desert Rats, was 25% British and three quarters ‘imperial’; it contained soldiers from Australia, Britain, India, New Zealand, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Ceylon, Cyprus, the Gambia, the Gold Coast, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Palestine, Rodrigues, Sierra Leone, the Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanganyika, and Uganda. The 14th Army, which fought the Japanese, contained soldiers from India, Nepalese Gurkhas, Kenyans, Nigerians, Rhodesians, Somalis and, oh yes, Englishmen. From a population of under 3 million 43000 wicked fenians from the neutral Irish Republic served in the British armed forces.

It’s called helping people when they’re in trouble.

Post-war, government after government fretted and havered about immigration while boarding houses displayed signs saying ‘No dogs, no Irish and no blacks’. It needed Wilson’s labour government to say publically at Conference something principled and forthright (the whole speech is worth reading if only to show how much ground we’ve lost since then):

We cannot take the risk of allowing the democracy of this country to become stained and tarnished with the taint of racialism or of colour prejudice. I want to make it clear that in the positive policies set out in the White Paper for assimilation, for absorption, for integration, we proceed from the proposition that everyone living in this country, everyone who has come in or will come in is a British citizen, entitled to equality of treatment regardless of origin or race or colour.
Leader’s speech, Blackpool 1965

Do we need another war or maybe just a change of government?

I’ve just rejoined the Labour Party and they’ve let me in!

I don’t know whether to feel miffed or pleased to have been allowed in. I left when the first Blair government started to denigrate single mums as work-shy spongers, not least because my old mum was one and living partly off benefits, in her case a war widow’s pension.

I wish I’d stayed in a way because then I could have left over the over the Iraq war.

Anway, I’ve rejoined and I think I’ll be voting for Jeremy for leader and as deputy, for Caroline Flint. I’ve listened to the other leadership contenders and watched them trim this way and that as the Jeremy bandwaggon trundled happily along. I like Andy and I like Yvette despite her being married to Ed, who managed the scapegoating of Sharon Shoesmith and then defiantly tried to justify his bluster and bullying. The memory of a Labour Secretary of State running with a pack led by the Sun, Mail and Express was less than edifying. Andy is genuinely able and I like a lot of what he says. But, but, but…….Labour won’t win Scotland, won’t see off UKIP, won’t recruit shattered lib-dem voters  by fighting for the centre ground, and, if being electable means being quite like the Tories, what’s the point. They’ve gone after the poor, the disabled, the refugees, the education system, the health service, local democracy and local government. They’ve established a virtuous funding circle by selling off our state to business interests who then fund the Tory party from company profits – what’s not to like. But, I’m naive enough to believe in:

  • social justice,
  • equality of opportunity,
  • that if you’re down you might need support not sanctions to drive that last nail in your coffin
  • that the market and global capitalism may not be our best hope for the future.

And I don’t believe an economic system that causes shortages of food and basic commodities in the name of profit makes much sense any more than I think asset-stripping the planet is a sustainable strategy.

Why didn’t young voters vote last time? Because they didn’t know that one of the parties had come out of struggle and martyrdom to fight for  oppressed and exploited working people. Without that history they were forced to look at what the parties said and, afraid of losing the centre, Labour trimmed and trimmed, terrified of upsetting anyone. So I’m voting for Jeremy. He may not form a government but he’ll certainly form an opposition that’s worth listening to. Of course the ‘free’ press will go for him and forecast calamity and chaos, but that’s what austerity is like now for many people.

The Guardian, Steve Bell, Tuesday 25 August 2015 22.42 BST

How big is your community? or how not to respond to a humanitarian disaster

Down in the far west of Cornwall are two Cornish communities about a quarter of a mile apart. One, down in the cove has always been a fishing community, the other up the hill, has always farmed. During the First World Way the men who volunteered or were drafted refused to serve alongside one another because they had never got on.

The world has shrunk a bit since then of course but the attitude still prevails especially when the going gets tough at home. In times of crisis we tend to emphasise difference; colour of skin, gender, faith (or lack of it), nationality, language and other things all allow us to hunker down into tribal animosity. Political parties, particularly on the far right, love difference; it gives them (and us) someone to blame. It’s a tried and tested technique; Hitler did it brilliantly . In the UK today the line is drawn between ‘hard-working families’ and benefit scroungers and benefit tourists and there is a strong lobby to cut foreign aid and look after those ‘nearer to home’. The truth is, I think, that the world’s problems are our problems and we can’t hide from them and prosper. That’s why I support Freedom from Torture, a charity which helps and supports victims of brutal and inhuman treatment whoever they are and wherever they come from. It’s not a popular cause in the way that animal and children’s charities are popular; most people don’t really want to think about the terrible crimes which are committed across the globe . This makes the charity even more important at times like these and I tell myself that every few pounds raised may make a difference to the recovery of a son or daughter or their parent.

It’s not easy for anyone to get into the U.K. these days and the initial experience of some refugees, already traumatised at the hands of brutal regimes or individuals, can be imprisonment in a detention centre.

The Guardian, Monday 10 August 2015

I remember as a youth, sitting in the university common room reading ‘Time’ on Vietnam and thinking the world had gone mad. The most powerful country in the world was spraying toxic weedkiller, killing everything from jungle to subsistence peasants, all in the name of freedom. Mad then is a lot madder now. Fences to keep out refugees and an absolute bar on economic migrants (unless they’re very rich economic migrants) means, not gated communities keeping out the poor, but gated countries. Logically, in the end we’ll move from letting ‘them’ die to killing them. The Mail’s headline today (28th August ) read ‘Migrants: how many more can we take?’ The Guardian of August 10th clarified the ‘swarming’ that is claimed to threaten us:

Estimates suggest that between 2,000-5,000 migrants have reached Calais, which is between 1% and 2.5% of the more than 200,000 who have landed in Italy and Greece……In reality, the number of migrants to have arrived so far this year (200,000) is so minuscule that it constitutes just 0.027% of Europe’s total population of 740 million. The world’s wealthiest continent can easily handle such a comparatively small influx.

There are countries with social infrastructure at breaking point because of the refugee crisis – but they aren’t in Europe. The most obvious example is Lebanon, which houses 1.2 million Syrian refugees within a total population of roughly 4.5 million. To put that in context, a country that is more than 100 times smaller than the EU has already taken in more than 50 times as many refugees as the EU will even consider resettling in the future. Lebanon has a refugee crisis. Europe – and, in particular, Britain – does not.

Each asylum seeker in Britain gets a meagre £36.95 to live on (and they are not usually allowed to work to supplement this sum). In France, whose policies are supposedly driving up the numbers at Calais, migrants actually receive substantially more. According to the Asylum Information Database, asylum seekers in France receive up to £56.62 a week. Germany and Sweden – the two most popular migrant destinations – pay out £35.21 and £36.84 a week respectively, only fractionally less than Britain.

….the number of African migrants is significantly less than half (of the total). ……many of them – especially those from Eritrea, Darfur, and Somalia – have legitimate claims to refugee status.

Contrary to the perception of the UK as the high altar of immigration, it is not a particularly major magnet for refugees. In 2014, just 25,870 people sought asylum in the UK, and only 10,050 were accepted. Germany (97275), France (68500), Sweden (39,905) and Italy (35,180) were all far more affected. When the ratings are calculated as a proportion to population size, the UK slips even further down the table – behind Belgium, Holland and Austria. If the ratings were calculated on 2015 rates, then even impoverished Greece would rise above the UK in the table. Just as tellingly, the UK has welcomed just 187 Syrians through legal mechanisms at the last count. Turkey has around 1.6 million.


Planet, what planet?

I caught a little of the first election debate last night which may well be more than most people in the country did.  I was struck by a couple of things:

it’s apparently o.k to break election promises, which makes we wonder why we should believe our esteeemed PM.

no top down reorganisation of the health service

The organisational changes contained in the Act have been both damaging and distracting. Damage is evident in the serious fragmentation of commissioning, the bewildering complexity of regulation, and the loss of continuity as leaders have been replaced and organisations have been restructured. Distraction has resulted from a requirement to undertake fundamental restructuring when there ought to have been a focus on improving patient care and delivering greater efficiency at a time of constrained budgets.

The government’s record on NHS reform: our verdict: Kings Fund, February 2015

immigration ‘in the tens of thousands

In the year to June 2014, net migration was 260,000 – and that was well above the Conservative target of getting it down to tens of thousands by the 2015 general election.

For 20 years, the UK has seen more immigration than emigration – reaching a peak in 2005. Net migration began to drop in the wake of the credit crunch economic crisis and then again from 2011 after the government restricted entry for some people from outside of Europe. But now net migration is on the rise again.

BBC News, November 2014

The second thing I noticed was that not much was said or asked about the environment and global warming.  A two degree rise is going to mean some fairly significant population movement (and immigration unless we put up a very high fence!) and a tad more stress on the health service but it doesn’t seem to be an election issue. Oh well it’s just the future of the planet, nothing we need to worry about!

Great for BBQs
Great for BBQs


So who are the English?

I remember reading somewhere that we’re all descended from Atilla the Hun but I’m not convinced. We do like our myths though don’t we? What are you, Saxon, Viking or maybe a Celt?


Sadly genetic evidence suggests “None of the above.” Most of the mixing which made our ‘island race’ took place a bit before that lot it seems; just after the last glacial maximum in fact. Glaciation wiped out any of our species in these islands and in lots of other places. The two refuges were in Iberia and central Europe. From there, mainly Iberia, people moved out. Those from central Europe tracked across and up to Northern Europe and some carried on walking until they got to Brighton, which in those days didn’t even have a pier. The Iberians walked up the Atlantic coast and walked over what was then land, to kick-start the plucky little English/UK tribes off, in Mesolithic and Neolithic times, 20000 or so years ago.

Angles contributed a few genes much later, around the 5th century (which might explain Norfolk) as did the Vikings but the Saxons and Normans gave us very few and that’s about it. The English, Welsh, Scots and Irish were around for a long time before these mini iron-age incomers and the dominant genes of most of us make us Basque(ish). So no Saxon grundling of the noble Celts and no replacement of a, or some, Celtic languages with Saxon. There were probably lots of different languages spoken in these islands by the time they really were islands after rises in sea level. In any case English has more in common with Scandinavian languages that Germanic ones. Imagine what the Tory party, let alone UKIP would make of us actually being part of the European mainland and being genetically ‘foreign’ to boot. As for Michael Gove……………………Hola

Who are we now though? Isn’t that a more interesting question?

It’s hard to talk about a ‘we’ really because we’re still tribal and regional so I’m going to focus on Daily Mail readers.

Well, we seem to dislike foreigners, especially if we can tell they’re foreign; skin colour, dress and first language are helpful here. We’re convinced we’re being swamped and are happy to have a government which commits to impossible ‘stop them coming or send them home if they manage to get in’ targets, even if that makes us racist, hurts the economy and ruins our university system. We don’t like Johny Foreigner. We tolerate a border agency that offers incentives for hitting ‘keep them out/send them back’ targets, ignores little things like being victims of torture and ensures that while they’re here they are poor, hungry, unemployed and stigmatised. We accept things like the hiring of a private jet in a failed attempt to deport a Nigerian who was near to death; it cost around £100,000 and failed because other countries wouldn’t let the aircraft land[1]! By the way, don’t you think the name Farage sounds a tiny bit foreign?

We don’t like the EU either. We think it’s a bureaucratic nightmare costing us squillians that would be better spent at home. We’ve forgotten that it came out of two world wars and that the federal project is meant to prevent another one and seems to be working. We don’t care if the legislation is about consumer protection, human rights or workers’ rights; we want a ‘flexible’ labour market (as long as immigrants can’t access jobs) so that employers can do what employers always do if they can, i.e. stuff the workers. O.K. economists and business leaders know that the consequences of leaving are frightening but we don’t care; China is buying a lot of Jags so we’ll be fine.

We think the rich deserve it and so do the poor. The rich create jobs (presumably by employing people to count all their money) and the poor are scroungers and ne’er-do-wells who need to be made to realise how awful they are by making them poorer, cold and hungry…particularly the disabled, the sick and the young. We also think the bloated public sector (all those doctors, nurses, teachers and the rest) needs selling off so that Capita et al can take what’s ours and make money from it.

Oh yes, and we believe in a small state, a bit like neo-cons in the States. We are a sovereign nation though, so it’s not all doom and gloom. Alright we are in thrall to the U.S. and a broken economic system that does little or nothing for most people, depletes non-renewable resources and is (not so) slowly killing the planet but we’re free to make those choices or will be once we leave the EU.

We don’t mind being occupied by foreign forces, as long as they’re American and ‘on our side’. Sadly, the US is not on our side and not always a force for good; it’s a force for the US. A large proportion of the US population (and ours) seem to think this means the same thing. This simple, if irrational elision starts with the US being a bastion of freedom and Christian values in a world of dangerous extremists and lefties opposed to free enterprise; it follows that anything the US does is good and anyone or thing which opposes the US is, necessarily, bad. It’s just a kind of extension of the old ‘What’s good for General Motors is good for the United States’ syndrome – what’s good for the US is good for the world.

US forces are accommodated on 35 sites in Britain. Collectively, these occupy about 10 square miles. Of these sites, six are one square mile or larger and four host more than 1000 US personnel each. All US bases in Britain are advertised as Royal Air Force facilities. Approximately 16,500 US forces personnel are attached to US bases on British territory, compared with about 1,000 personnel of other nations’ forces. The largest US facility in Britain is Lakenheath airbase in Suffolk at 2.8 square miles with a personnel complement of over 5,000. This makes it larger in terms of size and personnel than the largest British RAF base, Brize Norton.

United States military and intelligence bases in Britain – a briefing, Quaker Peace & Social Witness Peace Campaigning and Networking Group

So, basically, we’re mainly Spanish and totally irrational. Thank goodness for long-haired, lefty Guardian readers.

[1] Observer, 01.12.2013

From ‘We can take it!’ to ‘We’re all in it together!’


‘We’re all in it together’

Churchill visits East End residents who definitely ‘took it’.

I’ve been trying to work out what drives the looney right in this country, apart, of course, from the fact that they are looney.
What, for example, would prompt a party in government committed to a slogan like ‘we’re all in it together’, to think in the lead-up to an election, that even more austerity, hammering the already well-hammered poor, ‘protecting’ not increasing inadequate health service spending and leaving the European Court of Human Rights so that ‘political control’ resides with parliament (i.e. them), are vote winners? That’s without even mentioning the EU and education!
I think I understand Nigel Farrago; he’s capitalising on the general disenchantment brought about by widening inequality and increasing austerity after bankers (largely Tory) ruined economies across the world. He’s a populist, happy to hoover-up the voters who’ve lost faith in mainstream parties. It happened in the UK and Germany in the thirties; Mosely was our Nigel then and the Germans went for a little Austrian bloke. Farrago is probably as genuine as he seems and a lot more likeable than oily (but earnest and statesmanlike) Dave or beseeching Ed. Personally though, I wouldn’t trust him to run the pub he drinks in let alone organise a party in a brewery. He might well be a genuine neo-con. and the health service would certainly not be safe in his very shakeable hands. He would though, stop all these foreigners ruining the country and leave the EU. Dave would too of course, whatever the cost, if he felt it right and the British people voted for it (looks earnest and statesmanlike as he says it).
Anyway, I actually think there might be obvious explanations for the right’s obsession with Europe, immigration and benefits. The last one, benefits is easy – by and large the looney right are not on benefits. They are thus a tad out of touch…………
Just after the war Winston asked to see what rations looked like.

“Not a bad meal, not a bad meal”,

he remarked when shown the latest rationing plans after the war.

“But these are not rations for a meal or even a day,”

an embarrassed colleague explained.

“These are for a week!”

There’s a fabulous book on London hotels during the war, ‘The West End Front: The Wartime Secrets of London’s Grand Hotels’, by Matthew Sweet which details the life of the rich and ‘important’ during the war years. Life went on pretty much as it had always done at Claridges and the Ritz, except, of course, that foreign maitre d’hotels and chefs were interned. Basements were turned into luxurious air-raid shelters and the bubbly continued to flow. In the meantime government resisted access to the tubes at night and the provision of deep shelters for ordinary Londoners until the tubes were forcibly occupied and the East-end communists ‘invaded’ (for one night only) the Ritz (I think it was the Ritz) and were allowed into its shelter. Maybe George, the second-hand car salesman, thinks benefits are paid daily?

The fixation on the impact of immigration on our small and over-crowded island is trickier. On the whole the wealthy are pretty well insulated from all this too but voters aren’t and our ‘man-of-the-people’ Nigel, ex-city and ex-Tory Party member, has the ability to voice the fear and insecurity of largely white, conservatives (small c) who have seen dramatic changes to their communities coinciding with largely negative economic change; for them 2 and 2 do make 5 – it’s obvious whose fault it all is.

Immigration has been an issue in this country since at least the Second World War; actually since at least the sixteenth century when I come to think of it.

“Sundry persons being strangers … have of purpose brought their wives from the parts beyond the seas, to be delivered with child within this city, and in other places within this realm of England, and thereof do take special testimonials thereby to win to those children the liberty that other Englishmen do enjoy”.

Complaint, brought before the Court of Aldermen in London in 1576.

Post-war, the issue was how to attract New Commonwealth migrants as cheap labour but turned to a concern, and then a fear, that there might be too many of ‘them’ given the colour of their skin. Not unreasonably, men and women who had fought for the motherland during the war were interested in a better life here after the war. Successive governments agonised over what to do at a time when lodgings posted notices saying ‘no blacks, no Irish and no dogs’. Most governments backed off actually doing anything but the Wilson government introduced both immigration curbs and anti-discrimination legislation. Wilson said this at Conference:

”…everyone living in this country, everyone who has come in or will come in is a British citizen, entitled to equality of treatment regardless of origin or race or colour.”

It would be nice to think a politician would dare to say that now.

That government did other things too. Here are some examples from its first term:

  • giving pensioners the right to free or concessionary bus fares;
    raising pensions;
  • abolishing the earnings rule for widows and increasing the widows’ pension;
  • abolishing prescription charges;
    providing security of tenure for families in their homes and putting an immediate stop to evictions;
  • repealing the Tory Rent Act and providing machinery for fixing fair rents, and enabling the power to fight the evils of Rachmanism;
  • legislating for statutory redundancy pay.

It would be nice to think a politician would dare to….oh I’ve already said that.

Why though, the equation of EU with evil empire? I think it might be because they know something’s wrong and have to blame someone or something. Clearly it must be the fault of foreigners that we no-longer have an empire, are not top-dogs and the price of a Porche is getting ridiculously close to some people’s meagre annual bonus. The EU hampers our freedom and the flexibility of our labour market; it’s stopping us getting rich, or in the case of the looney right, richer. Actually, they are right to blame foreigners for some of this – they’re just looking in the wrong direction; they need to look west not east in fact. During the First World War, Britain incurred debts equivalent to 136% of our gross national product and our major creditor, the USA, began to emerge as the world’s strongest economy. Even then, we weren’t quite all in it together. By the end of the war we were in quite different ‘its’ rather than standing in the same stuff! There’s quite a difference between clover, which the US was in, and our, less sweet-smelling, footing. For the UK, the end of the war, even without the flu deaths, was not about getting back to the way things were. More British than German workers were involved in strikes in 1919. Unemployment in 1921 reached its highest point (11.3%) since records had begun. Staple industries contracted and working women were forced gave up their jobs to returning soldiers.

Cuts in public spending were introduced in 1922 to ward off inflation and pay down debt and an ambitious reform programme, which included major public housing and health schemes, was not implemented – no homes fit for heroes. We never did repay to the US our First World War debts (or recover the money we lent to allies, including Russia) but in 2006 we finally paid off our World War 2 debt to the US. The price of US generosity in the Second World War was huge, even if we discount our bankruptcy. In exchange for US loans and lend-lease we gave all out technical secrets to the US, military and otherwise, including our advanced nuclear fission work (just after the war a US bill forbade any sharing of their nuclear research with any foreign country including us) and ceded territory and bases to our ally. Roosevelt joked, when he was told during the war that Britain was broke, that he’d just have a quick chat with Winston and take over the Empire. The Americans were, because of their own history, anti-imperialist and part of the price exacted was the end of Empire, ours anyway – hard to argue with that really. However it left the door open for the US to become a cultural and commercial imperialist on an unprecedented scale, not to mention an occupier of foreign territory: in 2011 a Republican claim that the the U.S. had 900 bases across 130 nations was checked against available statistics by Politifact.com and found to be credible – not bad for an anti-imperialist empire, I mean country.

It is a bit difficult to blame the US for our troubles though, especially if we are right-leaning in our politics; we’ve adopted their approach to business and education and are planning to do the same in health so it’s much easier to blame the Europeans and the bureaucracy of the EU with all its ridiculous legislation about

  • health and safety,
  • human rights,
  • employment law,
  • environmental protection,
  • consumer protection,
  • bendy bananas (just joking)
    and so on, which all gets in the way of our right to make our own decisions as British, well English really, right-wing loonies.

When Winnie went to the East End during the blitz,  put two fingers up and said,

”We can take it’’,

the response was,

‘‘You don’t bleedin-well ‘ave to!’’

After the war, in a bankrupt country, a labour government somehow found the money to give us a welfare system and the National Health Service.

It would be nice to think a politician would dare to….oh I’ve already said that, said that, said that………

Martin Kerrison