I’ve just come across this great book by Yuval Noal Harari. Try this excerpt and check it against the election campaign:
Our chimpanzee cousins………The alpha male strives to maintain social harmony within his group…When two males are contesting the alpha position, they usually do so by forming extensive coalitions of supporters, both male and female, from within the group. Ties between coalition members are based on intimate daily contact – hugging, touching, kissing, grooming and mutual favours. Just as human politicians on election campaigns go around shaking hands and kissing babies, so aspirants to the top position in a champanzee group spend much time hugging, back-slapping and kissing baby chimps…..Members of a coalition spend more time together, share food, and help one another in times of trouble.
Sapiens: a brief history of humankind, Yuval Noal Harari, Harvill Secker, London, 2014